这条 Skype 消息是什么意思?

这条 Skype 消息是什么意思?
android@android:~$ sudo snap install skype
error: This revision of snap "skype" was published using classic confinement and thus may perform
       arbitrary system changes outside of the security sandbox that snaps are usually confined to,
       which may put your system at risk.

       If you understand and want to proceed repeat the command including --classic.



这意味着 skype 尚未受到严格限制。要安装它,现在您必须运行:

sudo snap install skype --classic

您可以在这里找到有关快照中的限制的解释: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/devmode-strict-and-classic-explained-in-two-minutes/391
