如何从 Linux 安装(或者简单运行?)vmware 转换器?

如何从 Linux 安装(或者简单运行?)vmware 转换器?

我在找具体说明为此,注意到如何安装 .tar.gz(或 .tar.bz2)文件?可以给一般的指导。


这个问题的答案可能很明显,但由于快速搜索没有给出任何有用的结果,而且vmware.com 上的指南仅适用于基于 Windows 的安装,我想值得在这里询问。

(*)下载(注册后免费)来自请访问 my.vmware.com。 也可以看看community.vmware.com 上尚未解答的问题

/tmp/VMware-converter-6.2.0-7348398.odp$ ls
bash-4.1           iconv-1.9.2                  reiserfsprogs-3.6.19
build_ttylinux.sh  iptables-             SYSTEMS.txt
busybox-1.11.1     libiconv-1.9.2               tar-1.28
busybox-1.18.4     libmspack-0.0.20040308alpha  test
e2fsprogs-1.40.11  libparted-3.1                ttylinux-12.6
e2fsprogs-1.41.12  log4cpp-1.0                  udev-163
efibootmgr-0.5.4   lvm2-2.02.95                 util-linux-ng-2.18
extract_helper.sh  module-init-tools-3.12       vmware-sysinfo-1.0
glib-2.24.2-1      net-tools-1.60               xfsprogs-3.2.2
glibc-2.12.1       package_helper.sh
grub-0.97-75       procps-3.2.7-1


构建此 VMware 披露时使用以下系统。本文档中使用域“example.org”来定义系统。请调整此域和主机名以匹配您的环境。

“rhel-7.3-x32”这是 Red Hat EL 7.3 系统。此安装的 ISO 映像可从以下位置获取http://redhat.lsu.edu/dist/7.3/iso/ 此系统应配置至少 32 GB 的磁盘空间以容纳构建。用于配置此系统的 kickstart 文件位于目录 config/rhel-7.3-x32.cfg 中,以及包含此 ks.cfg 文件的软盘映像文件 (rhel-7.3-x32.flp)。7.3 系统不支持通过 http 的 kickstart 文件,应改用软盘映像。应使用启动提示命令配置系统

linux ks=floppy

after attaching the floppy image to the diskette device.

The kickstart file includes a "%post" section which

* Configures the system to automount the shared file server used to
  host the VMware Toolchain disclosure.  Please adjust the hostname
  for this server in the kickstart file.

* Creates the user "vmware" with a home directory of "/usr/vmware".
  The directories under this home directory are used when building
  disclosed packages.

The passwords defined by the kickstart file for the "vmware" user is

No internet based updated are applied to this system.  The "as installed"
system is used when building package.

For your reference, the ISO images used by VMware for this system were

cb91810ce8173039fed24420407e4c59  valhalla-i386-disc1.iso
ec1b813d32ffdc8edc2be261735d17de  valhalla-i386-disc2.iso
5dc81ce523cfddf99b4d4d63e91bcaa7  valhalla-i386-disc3.iso

NOTE: A similiarly configured system is used when building the VMware
      Toolchain disclosure.  However, that system is not configured to
      automount the shared file server: the %post sections differ.

“centos-4.8-x32” 这是 CentOS 4.8 32 位系统。该系统应配置至少 16 GB 的磁盘空间以容纳构建。用于配置此系统的 kickstart 文件位于文件“config/centos-4.8-x32-ks.cfg”中。该文件应存储在 Web 服务器上,例如“ns.example.org”,并且应使用启动提示命令配置系统

linux ks=http://ns.example.org/centos-4.8-x32-ks.cfg

The kickstart file includes a "%post" section which

* Configures the system to automount the shared file server used to
  host the VMware Toolchain disclosure.  Please adjust the hostname
  for this server in the kickstart file.

* Creates the user "vmware" with a home directory of "/usr/vmware".
  The directories under this home directory are used when building
  disclosed packages.

The passwords defined by the kickstart file for both "root" and "vmware"
are both "welcome".

No internet based updated are applied to this system.  The "as installed"
system is used when building package.

For your reference, the ISO image used by VMware for this system was
(MD5 checksum):

f663dfc0a0ee610d23c223468004c745  CentOS-4.8-i386-binDVD.iso

“centos-5.3-x32”这是 CentOS 5.3 32 位系统。该系统应配置至少 16 GB 的磁盘空间以容纳构建。用于配置此系统的 kickstart 文件位于文件“config/centos-5.3-x32-ks.cfg”中。该文件应存储在 Web 服务器上,例如“ns.example.org”,并且应使用启动提示命令配置系统

linux ks=http://ns.example.org/centos-5.3-x32-ks.cfg

The kickstart file includes a "%post" section which

* Configures the system to automount the shared file server used to
  host the VMware Toolchain disclosure.  Please adjust the hostname
  for this server in the kickstart file.

* Creates the user "vmware" with a home directory of "/usr/vmware".
  The directories under this home directory are used when building
  disclosed packages.

* Disables services not required when building disclosures.

The passwords defined by the kickstart file for both "root" and "vmware"
are both "welcome".

No internet based updated are applied to this system.  The "as installed"
system is used when building packages.

For your reference, the ISO image used by VMware for this system was
(MD5 checksum):

997638cd72a559e38f9fd1955a368231  CentOS-5.3-i386-bin-DVD.iso

“centos-5.3-x64” 这是 CentOS 5.3 64 位系统。该系统应配置至少 16 GB 的磁盘空间以容纳构建。用于配置此系统的 kickstart 文件位于文件“config/centos-5.3-x64-ks.cfg”中。该文件应存储在 Web 服务器上,例如“ns.example.org”,并且应使用启动提示命令配置系统

linux ks=http://ns.example.org/centos-5.3-x64-ks.cfg

The kickstart file includes a "%post" section which

* Configures the system to automount the shared file server used to
  host the VMware Toolchain disclosure.  Please adjust the hostname
  for this server in the kickstart file.

* Creates the user "vmware" with a home directory of "/usr/vmware".
  The directories under this home directory are used when building
  disclosed packages.

* Disables services not required when building disclosures.

The passwords defined by the kickstart file for both "root" and "vmware"
are both "welcome".

No internet based updated are applied to this system.  The "as installed"
system is used when building packages.

For your reference, the ISO image used by VMware for this system was
(MD5 checksum):

6d4fd59688ed8644514010316d6a5698  CentOS-5.3-x86_64-bin-DVD.iso

“freebsd-6.3-x32”这是 FreeBSD 6.3 32 位系统。该系统应配置至少 16 GB 的磁盘空间以容纳构建。此系统没有可用的 kickstart 文件。请使用

    Standard Begin a standard installation (recommended)

installation option.  When the "Choose Distributions" menu is displayed
please select the distributions


The install should be performed against CD/DVD media.

For your reference, the ISO images used by VMware for this system were
(MD5 checksum):

cdb0dfa4b2db3e4c9cc19138f4fb2ada  6.3-RELEASE-i386-disc1.iso
e73a3d9cf5f3bfbf07384ef0a93ae5d5  6.3-RELEASE-i386-disc2.iso
123840107a5578ce22875c440d41f453  6.3-RELEASE-i386-disc3.iso

“freebsd-6.3-x64”这是 FreeBSD 6.3 64 位系统。该系统应配置至少 16 GB 的磁盘空间以容纳构建。此系统没有可用的 kickstart 文件。请使用

    Standard Begin a standard installation (recommended)

installation option.  When the "Choose Distributions" menu is displayed
please select the distributions


The install should be performed against CD/DVD media.

For your reference, the ISO images used by VMware for this system were
(MD5 checksum):

a8d41ea26769919db6c0c672fa8f8c4f  6.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc1.iso
a243076fb99b011d9b0771a6f7f9a977  6.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc2.iso
92831414b34b4b06cfb7140ddfe69cfe  6.3-RELEASE-amd64-disc3.iso

“windows-xp-x64”这是 Windows XP Professional 64 位。请执行以下步骤:

1. Install Windows XP Professional 64-bit.  VMware uses Microsoft 32 bit    compilers on a 64 bit system to build the 32 bit Toolchain.

2. Install Visual studio 2008 Professional Edition.
* Install everything under Visual C++ Language Tools including X64 Compilers
 & Tools
* Apply the SP1 patch from
 to your visual studio installation.

3. Copy the following to c:\toolchain\win32\bin

Copy fromdos.exe and todos.exe - http://tofrodos.sourceforge.net/download/tfd1712a.zip

Copy usr/local/wbin/* from UnxUtils - http://sourceforge.net/projects/unxutils/files/unxutils/current/UnxUtils.zip/download

Install Cygwin and then copy "sh.exe", and "cp.exe", and "tar.exe" (and various cygwin
dlls required to run them) from the Cygwin installation.  At the time of
publishing, the commands to do this are:

  $ cd \Toolchain\win32\bin
  $ copy \cygwin\bin\sh.exe sh.exe
  $ copy \cygwin\bin\cp.exe cp.exe
  $ copy \cygwin\bin\tar.exe tar.exe
  $ copy \cygwin\bin\cygwin1.dll cygwin1.dll
  $ copy \cygwin\bin\cygintl-8.dll cygintl-8.dll
  $ copy \cygwin\bin\cygiconv-2.dll cygiconv-2.dll
  $ copy \cygwin\bin\cygreadline7.dll cygreadline7.dll
  $ copy \cygwin\bin\cygncursesw-10.dll cygncursesw-10.dll
  $ copy \cygwin\bin\cyggcc_s-1.dll cyggcc_s-1.dll
  $ copy \cygwin\bin\cygattr-1.dll cygattr-1.dll

4. Copy over the Windows toolchain binaries for win32 and win64 from the shared file    system to the below folders:


5. Please use Visual Studio 2008 x64 Cross Tools Command Prompt to build 64-bit
binaries and use Visual Studio 2008 Command Prompt to build 32-bit binaries.

6. Add C:\toolchain\win32\bin to PATH

  $ set PATH=C:\toolchain\win32\bin;%PATH%

NOTE: A similiarly configured system is used when building the VMware
      Toolchain disclosure.

$ sudo find . -print | grep -i 'install'
[sudo] password for _______________________: 
