如何使用cmd“gnome-software --install=ID”?

如何使用cmd“gnome-software --install=ID”?

我正在尝试使用命令“gnome-software --install=ID”来安装名为“blyr”的 gnome shell 扩展。但是,我似乎无法让 cmd 执行我想要的操作。如何使用此 cmd 通过 cmd 行安装 shell 扩展?

可以在 中找到 shell 扩展gnome-software --> Add-ons --> Shell Extensions。或者,cmd$ gnome-software --search blyr将导致扩展出现在“gnome-software”中。


$ gnome-software --install=blyr   #Nothing happens
$ sudo gnome-software --install=blyr
04:40:46:0158 Gs enabled plugins: systemd-updates, packagekit-offline, fwupd, packagekit, packagekit-refine-repos, os-release, desktop-categories, packagekit-upgrade, packagekit-url-to-app, packagekit-proxy, packagekit-local, packagekit-refresh, appstream, desktop-menu-path, hardcoded-blacklist, generic-updates, packagekit-refine, steam, rewrite-resource, odrs, hardcoded-featured, modalias, hardcoded-popular, packagekit-history, provenance, icons, provenance-license, key-colors, key-colors-metadata
04:40:46:0158 Gs disabled plugins: ubuntuone, dummy, dpkg, repos, shell-extensions, epiphany, snap
04:40:46:0856 Gs Need to use a valid unique-id: blyr
#Thereafter, nothing happens and I have to press Ctrl C to escape.

$ sudo gnome-software [email protected]
04:48:55:0162 Gs enabled plugins: systemd-updates, packagekit-offline, fwupd, packagekit, packagekit-refine-repos, os-release, desktop-categories, packagekit-upgrade, packagekit-url-to-app, packagekit-proxy, packagekit-local, packagekit-refresh, appstream, desktop-menu-path, hardcoded-blacklist, generic-updates, packagekit-refine, steam, rewrite-resource, odrs, hardcoded-featured, modalias, hardcoded-popular, packagekit-history, provenance, icons, provenance-license, key-colors, key-colors-metadata
04:48:55:0162 Gs disabled plugins: ubuntuone, dummy, dpkg, repos, shell-extensions, epiphany, snap
04:48:55:0786 Gs Need to use a valid unique-id: [email protected]
#Thereafter, nothing happens and I have to press Ctrl C to escape.

我从以下位置获取了 shell-extension uuid这里

$ gnome-software --help
  gnome-software [OPTION…]

Help Options:
  -h, --help                    Show help options
  --help-all                    Show all help options
  --help-gapplication           Show GApplication options
  --help-gtk                    Show GTK+ Options

Application Options:
  --mode=MODE                   Start up mode: either ‘updates’, ‘updated’, ‘installed’ or ‘overview’
  --search=SEARCH               Search for applications
  --details=ID                  Show application details (using application ID)
  --details-pkg=PKGNAME         Show application details (using package name)
  --install=ID                  Install the application (using application ID)
  --local-filename=FILENAME     Open a local package file
  --interaction                 The kind of interaction expected for this action: either ‘none’, ‘notify’, or ‘full’
  --verbose                     Show verbose debugging information
  --profile                     Show profiling information for the service
  --quit                        Quit the running instance
  --prefer-local                Prefer local file sources to AppStream
  --version                     Show version number
  --display=DISPLAY             X display to use

以下--helpgnome-software --details=ID语法。我试过:

$ gnome-software --details=blyr                       # This works.
$ gnome-software [email protected]  # Did not works.

此结果显示ID应具有 的值blyr。因此,我不明白 错误是什么Need to use a valid unique-id: blyr



git clone [email protected]:yozoon/gnome-shell-extension-blyr.git
cd gnome-shell-extension-blyr/
make local-install

然后只需重新启动 Shell 并启用扩展。


make local-uninstall


一些 Ubuntu 用户报告说,从 GNOME Tweaks 应用程序打开首选项对话框后,首选项对话框没有出现。要修复此问题,请按如下方式安装 gtkclutter 绑定

sudo apt install gir1.2-gtkclutter-1.0
