check startup applications with a different user

check startup applications with a different user

Is it possible to check the list of the startup applications for a specific user account by using another user account?

Both accounts are administrators.

I'm using Ubuntu 19.10.

I tried to search on google, but I found nothing about this topic. I need to check if a specific application has been set as startup application for a specific user account.

EDIT: Thanks to the suggestions, I was able to get the startup list applications list:

find ~/.config/autostart -user robodyne -ls
  5641238      4 drwx------   2 robodyne robodyne     4096 nov 19 14:28 /home/robodyne/.config/autostart
  5637055      4 -rw-rw-r--   1 robodyne robodyne      203 ott 14 16:43 /home/robodyne/.config/autostart/teamviewer.desktop
  5641240      4 -rw-rw-r--   1 robodyne robodyne      218 set 11 22:10 /home/robodyne/.config/autostart/snap-userd-autostart.desktop
  5641239      4 -rw-rw-r--   1 robodyne robodyne      204 nov 19 14:28 /home/robodyne/.config/autostart/Isola02.desktop

is it possible to remove a specific entry?


So you want to get the list of startup applications of another user.
To do so, you must need to know the username and password of that user.
So, while you are using your account open terminal and type
su username
then terminal is waiting for you to type the password for that user.

Given below command is used to get list of startup applications by the specific user.
find /etc/init.d -user username -ls
If you do not get the list then use given below command to get the list of autostart applications.
find ~/.config/autostart -user username -ls

Note: replace username with the specific username


If you want to remove a specific application from autostart -
Suppose you want to remove teamviewer.desktop as shown in the list output then use.

rm -iv ~/.config/autostart/teamviewer.desktop

here -i will prompt before every removal.
-v will explain what is being done.
