升级至 20.4 失败

升级至 20.4 失败

几周以来,我一直在尝试将我的 Ubuntu 19.10 升级到 20.4。有好几次我都收到提示询问我是否要升级。我回答是,但什么也没发生。


我尝试运行update-manager -c,但它只是再次出现提示,然后什么都没有......



thomas@Westeros:~$ sudo update-manager -c
[sudo] password for thomas: 
Checking for a new Ubuntu release
Please install all available updates for your release before upgrading.


根据评论,我运行sudo apt full-upgrade后发现有几个需要升级的东西,并强制重启。我这样做了,然后重新运行update-manger -c,它的行为与以前完全一样。


thomas@Westeros:~$ sudo apt upgrade
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
The following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:
  chromium-browser-l10n gdal-data gimp-data libaec0 libamd2 libarmadillo9
  libarpack2 libbabl-0.1-0 libblas3 libcamd2 libccolamd2 libcharls2
  libcholmod3 libdap25 libdapclient6v5 libde265-0 libepsilon1 libfreexl1
  libfyba0 libgdal20 libgdcm2.8 libgegl-0.4-0 libgegl-common libgeos-3.7.2
  libgeos-c1v5 libgeotiff2 libgfortran5 libgimp2.0 libgmic1
  libgraphicsmagick++-q16-12 libgraphicsmagick-q16-3 libhdf4-0-alt libhdf5-103
  libheif1 libilmbase23 libkmlbase1 libkmldom1 libkmlengine1 liblapack3
  liblqr-1-0 libmetis5 libminizip1 libmng2 libmypaint-1.3-0 libmypaint-common
  libnetcdf13 libogdi4.1 libopencv-core3.2 libopencv-imgcodecs3.2
  libopencv-imgproc3.2 libopencv-videoio3.2 libopenexr23 libpq5 libproj13
  libqhull7 libsdl1.2debian libsocket++1 libspatialite7 libsuperlu5 libsz2
  libtbb2 libtiff-tools libumfpack5 liburiparser1 libxerces-c3.2 odbcinst
  odbcinst1debian2 proj-bin proj-data
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove them.
The following packages have been kept back:
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.

可能是那个包裹吗kept back

thomas@Westeros:~$ sudo apt upgrade libodbc1
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
Calculating upgrade... Done
Some packages could not be installed. This may mean that you have
requested an impossible situation or if you are using the unstable
distribution that some required packages have not yet been created
or been moved out of Incoming.
The following information may help to resolve the situation:

The following packages have unmet dependencies:
 libodbc1 : Breaks: libodbc1:i386 (!= 2.3.7) but 2.3.6-0.1build1 is to be installed
 libodbc1:i386 : Breaks: libodbc1 (!= 2.3.6-0.1build1) but 2.3.7 is to be installed
E: Broken packages


上面的响应说它阻止了对 libodbc1 的升级。不知道还能做什么,我运行了它sudo apt install libodbc1,强制安装了它。之后,我运行sudo update-manger -c并点击升级,安装就开始了。
