UBUNTU 20.04 上的蓝牙不断断开连接

UBUNTU 20.04 上的蓝牙不断断开连接

我已经在笔记本电脑上安装了 Ubuntu 20.04,但蓝牙似乎无法按预期工作。

它连接到我的 Logi MX ERGO 设备,也连接到我的 TWS 耳机,但运行一段时间后(显然是随机时间)它停止工作,所以我需要使用触摸板将蓝牙管理器或 bluesman 切换到 OFF 然后再打开,这样它就会自动连接到我的设备......但过一段时间它就会再次断开连接;

这是 grep blue /var/log/syslog 的输出

Apr 12 18:06:34 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_60_F4_3A_3A_91_F2/sep2/fd0: fd(53) ready
Apr 12 18:06:46 leonardo-G3-3579 systemd[1]: blueman-mechanism.service: Succeeded.
Apr 12 18:06:49 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: bt_uhid_send: Invalid argument (22)
Apr 12 18:06:49 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: message repeated 10 times: [ bt_uhid_send: Invalid argument (22)]
Apr 12 18:08:49 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: No reply to Suspend request
Apr 12 18:08:53 leonardo-G3-3579 dbus-daemon[838]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.blueman.Mechanism' unit='blueman-mechanism.service' requested by ':1.100' (uid=1000 pid=2163 comm="/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/blueman-applet " label="unconfined")
Apr 12 18:08:53 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman-mechanism[4127]: Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Apr 12 18:08:53 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman-mechanism[4127]: Unable to init server: Não foi possível conectar: Connection refused
Apr 12 18:08:53 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman-mechani[4127]: gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen: assertion 'GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed
Apr 12 18:08:53 leonardo-G3-3579 dbus-daemon[838]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.blueman.Mechanism'
Apr 12 18:08:59 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_60_F4_3A_3A_91_F2/sep2/fd1: fd(39) ready
Apr 12 18:09:23 leonardo-G3-3579 systemd[1]: blueman-mechanism.service: Succeeded.
Apr 12 18:11:47 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: bt_uhid_send: Invalid argument (22)
Apr 12 18:11:47 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: message repeated 10 times: [ bt_uhid_send: Invalid argument (22)]
Apr 12 18:11:52 leonardo-G3-3579 dbus-daemon[838]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.blueman.Mechanism' unit='blueman-mechanism.service' requested by ':1.100' (uid=1000 pid=2163 comm="/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/blueman-applet " label="unconfined")
Apr 12 18:11:52 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman-mechanism[4425]: Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Apr 12 18:11:52 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman-mechanism[4425]: Unable to init server: Não foi possível conectar: Connection refused
Apr 12 18:11:52 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman-mechani[4425]: gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen: assertion 'GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed
Apr 12 18:11:52 leonardo-G3-3579 dbus-daemon[838]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.blueman.Mechanism'
Apr 12 18:12:00 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: bt_uhid_send: Invalid argument (22)
Apr 12 18:12:00 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: message repeated 9 times: [ bt_uhid_send: Invalid argument (22)]
Apr 12 18:12:10 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_60_F4_3A_3A_91_F2/sep2/fd2: fd(55) ready
Apr 12 18:12:24 leonardo-G3-3579 systemd[1]: blueman-mechanism.service: Succeeded.
Apr 12 18:35:58 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman.desktop[2309]: Traceback (most recent call last):
Apr 12 18:35:58 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman.desktop[2309]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/blueman/main/indicators/GtkStatusIcon.py", line 19, in <lambda>
Apr 12 18:35:58 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman.desktop[2309]:     gtk_item.connect('activate', lambda _, idx=index: activate(idx))
Apr 12 18:35:58 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman.desktop[2309]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/blueman/main/Tray.py", line 37, in _activate_menu_item
Apr 12 18:35:58 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman.desktop[2309]:     return AppletService().ActivateMenuItem('(ai)', indexes)
Apr 12 18:35:58 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman.desktop[2309]:   File "/usr/lib/python3/dist-packages/gi/overrides/Gio.py", line 351, in __call__
Apr 12 18:35:58 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman.desktop[2309]:     result = self.dbus_proxy.call_sync(self.method_name, arg_variant,
Apr 12 18:35:58 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman.desktop[2309]: gi.repository.GLib.Error: g-io-error-quark: Timeout was reached (24)
Apr 12 18:35:58 leonardo-G3-3579 whoopsie-upload-all[6745]: /var/crash/_usr_bin_blueman-tray.1000.crash already marked for upload, skipping
Apr 12 18:35:58 leonardo-G3-3579 whoopsie-upload-all[6745]: /var/crash/_usr_bin_blueman-assistant.1000.crash already marked for upload, skipping
Apr 12 18:53:15 leonardo-G3-3579 dbus-daemon[838]: [system] Activating via systemd: service name='org.blueman.Mechanism' unit='blueman-mechanism.service' requested by ':1.100' (uid=1000 pid=2163 comm="/usr/bin/python3 /usr/bin/blueman-applet " label="unconfined")
Apr 12 18:53:15 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman-mechanism[9135]: Unable to init server: Could not connect: Connection refused
Apr 12 18:53:15 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman-mechanism[9135]: Unable to init server: Não foi possível conectar: Connection refused
Apr 12 18:53:15 leonardo-G3-3579 blueman-mechani[9135]: gtk_icon_theme_get_for_screen: assertion 'GDK_IS_SCREEN (screen)' failed
Apr 12 18:53:15 leonardo-G3-3579 dbus-daemon[838]: [system] Successfully activated service 'org.blueman.Mechanism'
Apr 12 18:53:25 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: /org/bluez/hci0/dev_60_F4_3A_3A_91_F2/sep2/fd3: fd(62) ready
Apr 12 18:53:29 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: bt_uhid_send: Invalid argument (22)
Apr 12 18:53:29 leonardo-G3-3579 bluetoothd[834]: message repeated 10 times: [ bt_uhid_send: Invalid argument (22)]
Apr 12 18:53:47 leonardo-G3-3579 systemd[1]: blueman-mechanism.service: Succeeded.






确保systemctl restart bluetooth应用更改


我也遇到了同样的问题。找到了解决方案在 Reddit 上 在尝试以下步骤之前,请先完全断开您的设备:




agent on
default agent

11:BB:3C:44:5E:FF:7G然后,使用要连接的设备的MAC 地址(一长串以冒号分隔的字母数字字符,类似于)(您应该能够通过devices在此提示符下输入来找到它),运行

trust <MAC>
pair <MAC>
connect <MAC>


我使用的是 Linux Mint。我尝试了很多解决方案,但我发现最好的一个这里


  • 编辑:

    sudo -e /etc/pulse/default.pa
  • 添加了这一行:

    load-module module-bluez5-discover
  • 保存并退出文件,然后使用以下命令重新启动服务:

    sudo systemctl restart bluetooth




 `sudo install -m 700 -d /var/lib/bluetooth


sudo systemctl start bluetooth


sudo systemctl restart bluetooth.service


`sudo systemctl enable --now bluetooth`

