
david@dm:~/howto$ mount  | grep david
/var/lib/snapd/snaps/gnome-42-2204_126.snap (deleted) on /media/david/disk type squashfs (ro,nosuid,nodev,relatime,errors=continue,uhelper=udisks2)



您尚未提供任何发布细节(虽然大家都在使用 snap 包,但具体一点总是有帮助的),但我的系统包括

gnome-42-2204 0+git.ff35a85 132 latest/stable/… canonical✓

它被许多应用程序使用;包括firefox或我的网络浏览器。Snap 包共享安装在其他折断软件包;减少磁盘空间和内存(而不是每个 snap 在 RAM 中都有自己的副本)


guiverc@d7050-next:~$   snap info gnome-42-2204 
name:      gnome-42-2204
summary:   Shared GNOME 42 Ubuntu stack
publisher: Canonical✓
store-url: https://snapcraft.io/gnome-42-2204
contact:   https://github.com/ubuntu/gnome-sdk/issues
license:   unset
description: |
  This snap provides the GNOME 42 stack to other snaps that use it. It shares the base GNOME
  libraries and desktop integration components through the content interface. This helps reduce the
  size of snaps and helps developers to easily snap desktop applications.
  **For users**
  This snap is automatically installed and removed when needed. **Manually adding or removing this
  snap is not recommended** and might break things.
  * If you are having issues with **snaps** using GNOME, please contact the experts on the Snapcraft
  forum: https://forum.snapcraft.io/
  * If you want to install the GNOME Desktop Environment, then you are in the wrong place. Please
  take a look at https://www.gnome.org/ for more information on how to get it.
  **For developers**
  * The `gnome` extension is the recommended way to use this in your own snap:
  * You can report issues with this content snap on GitHub:
  * The source code of this snap is available on GitHub in the `gnome-42-2204` branch:
snap-id:      lATO8HzwVvrAPrlZRAWpfyrJKlAJrZS3
tracking:     latest/stable/ubuntu-23.10
refresh-date: 6 days ago, at 16:05 AEST
  latest/stable:    0+git.ff35a85 2023-09-23 (132) 521MB -
  latest/candidate: 0+git.ff35a85 2023-09-27 (141) 521MB -
  latest/beta:      ↑                                    
  latest/edge:      0+git.ff35a85 2023-09-27 (141) 521MB -
installed:          0+git.ff35a85            (132) 521MB -
