Ubuntu 上的 Edubuntu 软件包

Ubuntu 上的 Edubuntu 软件包

我找到了这个线 有一些过度解释但有趣的事情。

the "linux-rt" pack doesn't exist in 10.10 this pack actually installs the realtime kernel but 10.10 doesn't have any. just try it without this part PS:i will make you a quick explanation of every part in this command line, because knowledge is power sudo - gives you a root privileges aptitude - this is a text-based package manager similar to synaptic (you can successfully change this part with 'apt-get') update - updates your software channels to current state && - and (from C program language) install - install ubuntustudio-desktop - GUI of ubuntustudio system ubuntustudio-audio - a collection of applications aimed at audio creation and editing ubuntustudio-audio-plugins - A collection of LADSPA and DSSI plugins. ubuntustudio-video - a collection of applications aimed at video creation and editing ubuntustudio-graphics - collection of applications aimed at 2D/3D creation and editing. linux-rt - a metapackge that installs you the latest complete Realtime Linux kernel available.

我安装了所有软件包,但没有安装 Ubuntustudio-desktop,因为我想要应用程序而不是新的启动屏幕。

我想安装 Edubuntu 的所有应用程序,并且不希望我的 Ubuntu 像 Edubuntu 一样启动,即,我不想要 edubuntu-desktop,而是它的所有软件包。那么,除了安装 edubuntu-desktop 之外,软件包的其他名称是什么?


您可以根据您的工作级别为您的系统添加以下软件包! ubuntu-edu-preschool - Preschool ( ubuntu-edu-primary - Primary ( ages 6-12) educational application bundle ubuntu-edu-secondary - Secondary ( ages 13-18) educational application bundle ubuntu-edu-tertiary - Tertiary ( university level ) educational application bundle
