我如何告诉 dict 给出字典子集的输出?

我如何告诉 dict 给出字典子集的输出?

安装 dict 时,默认情况下我得到了这个 -

[$] dict appease

1 definition found

From English-Hindi FreeDict Dictionary ver. 1.5.2 [fd-eng-hin]:

  appease <VT>
  1. संतुष्ट~करना
        "Shop keepers try their best to appease their customer."
        "The owner appeased his workers by granting them bonus."

探究手册页后发现该程序仅使用两台服务器 -

[$] dict -D

Databases available:
 vera       V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (February 2016)
 fd-eng-hin English-Hindi FreeDict Dictionary ver. 1.5.2

然后创建一个本地点文件并在其中添加以下条目 -

┌─[shirish@debian] - [~] - [10089]
└─[$] cat ~/.dictrc

     1  server dict.org
     2  server dict0.us.dict.org


[$] dict appease

3 definitions found

From The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48 [gcide]:

  Appease \Ap*pease"\, v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Appealed}; p. pr. &
     vb. n. {Appeasing}.] [OE. apesen, apaisen, OF. apaisier,
     apaissier, F. apaiser, fr. a (L. ad) + OF. pais peace, F.
     paix, fr. L. pax, pacis. See {Peace}.]
     To make quiet; to calm; to reduce to a state of peace; to
     still; to pacify; to dispel (anger or hatred); as, to appease
     the tumult of the ocean, or of the passions; to appease
     hunger or thirst.
     [1913 Webster]

     Syn: To pacify; quiet; conciliate; propitiate; assuage;
          compose; calm; allay; hush; soothe; tranquilize.
          [1913 Webster]

From WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006) [wn]:

      v 1: cause to be more favorably inclined; gain the good will of;
           "She managed to mollify the angry customer" [syn: {pacify},
           {lenify}, {conciliate}, {assuage}, {appease}, {mollify},
           {placate}, {gentle}, {gruntle}]
      2: overcome or allay; "quell my hunger" [syn: {quell}, {stay},
      3: make peace with [syn: {propitiate}, {appease}]

From Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0 [moby-thesaurus]:

  86 Moby Thesaurus words for "appease":
     abate, allay, alleviate, anesthetize, assuage, benumb, calm,
     calm down, cater to, coddle, compose, conciliate, content, cool,
     cradle, cushion, deaden, deaden the pain, defuse, diminish,
     dulcify, dull, ease, ease matters, even out, extenuate, feast,
     feed, foment, gentle, give relief, gloss over, gratify, hush,
     immolate before, lay, lay the dust, lessen, lull,
     make propitiation, make sacrifice to, mitigate, mollify, numb,
     offer sacrifice, pacify, pad, palliate, pamper, placate, poultice,
     pour balm into, pour balm on, pour oil on, propitiate, quell,
     quench, quiet, reduce, regale, relieve, rest, rock, rock to sleep,
     sacrifice, salve, sate, satiate, satisfy, slacken, slake, smooth,
     smooth down, smooth over, smoothen, soften, soothe, spoil,
     stabilize, steady, still, stupe, subdue, sweeten, tranquilize,

执行 dict -D 现在给出了与以前不同的列表 -

─[$] dict -D

Databases available:
 gcide          The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
 wn             WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
 moby-thesaurus Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
 elements       The Elements (07Nov00)
 vera           V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (September 2014)
 jargon         The Jargon File (version 4.4.7, 29 Dec 2003)
 foldoc         The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (18 March 2015)
 easton         Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
 hitchcock      Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)
 bouvier        Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
 devil          The Devil's Dictionary (1881-1906)
 world02        CIA World Factbook 2002
 gaz2k-counties U.S. Gazetteer Counties (2000)
 gaz2k-places   U.S. Gazetteer Places (2000)
 gaz2k-zips     U.S. Gazetteer Zip Code Tabulation Areas (2000)
 fd-tur-eng     Turkish-English FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.2.1
 fd-por-deu     Portuguese-German FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-nld-eng     Dutch-English Freedict Dictionary ver. 0.1.3
 fd-eng-ara     English-Arabic FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.6.2
 fd-spa-eng     Spanish-English FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-eng-hun     English-Hungarian FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1
 fd-ita-eng     Italian-English FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-wel-eng     Welsh-English Freedict dictionary
 fd-eng-nld     English-Dutch FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-fra-eng     French-English FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.3.4
 fd-tur-deu     Turkish-German FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-swe-eng     Swedish-English FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-nld-fra     Nederlands-French FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-eng-swa     English-Swahili xFried/FreeDict Dictionary
 fd-deu-nld     German-Dutch FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-fra-deu     French-German FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-eng-cro     English-Croatian Freedict Dictionary
 fd-eng-ita     English-Italian FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-eng-lat     English-Latin FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-lat-eng     Latin-English FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-fra-nld     French-Dutch FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.2
 fd-ita-deu     Italian-German FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-eng-hin     English-Hindi FreeDict Dictionary ver. 1.5.1
 fd-deu-eng     German-English FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.3.4
 fd-por-eng     Portuguese-English FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-lat-deu     Latin - German FreeDict dictionary ver. 0.4
 fd-jpn-deu     Japanese-German FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-eng-deu     English-German FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.3.6
 fd-eng-scr     English-Serbo-Croat Freedict dictionary
 fd-eng-rom     English-Romanian FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.6.1
 fd-iri-eng     Irish-English Freedict dictionary
 fd-cze-eng     Czech-English Freedict dictionary
 fd-scr-eng     Serbo-Croat-English Freedict dictionary
 fd-eng-cze     English-Czech fdicts/FreeDict Dictionary
 fd-eng-rus     English-Russian FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.3
 fd-afr-deu     Afrikaans-German FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.3
 fd-eng-por     English-Portuguese FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.2.2
 fd-hun-eng     Hungarian-English FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.3.1
 fd-eng-swe     English-Swedish FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-deu-ita     German-Italian FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-cro-eng     Croatian-English Freedict Dictionary
 fd-dan-eng     Danish-English FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.2.1
 fd-eng-tur     English-Turkish FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.2.1
 fd-eng-spa     English-Spanish FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.2.1
 fd-nld-deu     Dutch-German FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-deu-por     German-Portuguese FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.2.1
 fd-swa-eng     Swahili-English xFried/FreeDict Dictionary
 fd-hin-eng     English-Hindi Freedict Dictionary [reverse index]
 fd-deu-fra     German-French FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.3.1
 fd-eng-fra     English-French FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.4
 fd-slo-eng     Slovak-English Freedict dictionary
 fd-gla-deu     Scottish Gaelic-German FreeDict Dictionary ver. 0.1.1
 fd-eng-wel     English-Welsh Freedict dictionary
 fd-eng-iri     English-Irish Freedict dictionary
 english        English Monolingual Dictionaries
 trans          Translating Dictionaries
 all            All Dictionaries (English-Only and Translating)

现在我希望只从选定的几个词典中获得输出 -

gcide          The Collaborative International Dictionary of English v.0.48
     wn             WordNet (r) 3.0 (2006)
     moby-thesaurus Moby Thesaurus II by Grady Ward, 1.0
     elements       The Elements (07Nov00)
     vera           V.E.R.A. -- Virtual Entity of Relevant Acronyms (September 2014)
     jargon         The Jargon File (version 4.4.7, 29 Dec 2003)
     foldoc         The Free On-line Dictionary of Computing (18 March 2015)
     easton         Easton's 1897 Bible Dictionary
     hitchcock      Hitchcock's Bible Names Dictionary (late 1800's)
     bouvier        Bouvier's Law Dictionary, Revised 6th Ed (1856)
     devil          The Devil's Dictionary (1881-1906)
     world02        CIA World Factbook 2002


您只能显示调用时列表中列出的特定词典数据库的结果dict -D


来自 dict ( ) 的人man dict

-d dbname or --database dbname
          Specifies a specific database to  search.   The  default  is  to
          search  all databases (a "*" from the DICT protocol).  Note that
          a "!" in the DICT protocol means to search all of the  databases
          until a match is found, and then stop searching.


[$] dict -d wn life.


您的文件 .dictrc 具有两个服务器名称,您的 dict 程序将包括两个服务器中所有可用的字典数据库。您只有两个本地安装的字典数据库,这是您在主目录中创建 .dictrc 文件之前的第一条输出消息。

如果删除 .dictrc 文件,则需要手动安装所需的数据库。

