CF-52 Mk 1 亮度停止在 50%

CF-52 Mk 1 亮度停止在 50%

我使用这个acpi_osi=技巧让 Xubuntu 14.04 在我新买的 CF-52 Mk 1 Toughbook 上工作。除其他功能外,它还能够控制 LCD 背光亮度。这在大多数情况下都运行良好,但当亮度达到 50% 时,背光亮度就会停止增加。

这些笔记本电脑因 CCFL 背光故障而臭名昭著。但是,我没有遇到启动时闪烁、随时间变暗或亮度​​不一致的情况。是否有可能我在不知不觉中将亮度限制在了 50% 左右?



从 Ubuntu 软件商店下载 xblacklight。

Xbacklight 用于调整支持的背光亮度。它会查找 X 服务器上所有支持背光亮度控制的输出,并以相同的方式更改它们。

   -get   Print out the current backlight brightness of each  output  with
          such a control. The brightness is represented as a percentage of
          the maximum brightness supported.

   -set percent
          Sets each backlight brightness to the specified level.

   -inc percent
          Increases brightness by the specified amount.

   -dec percent
          Decreases brightness by the specified amount.

   -help  Print out a summary of the usage and exit.

   -time milliseconds
          Length of time to spend fading the backlight between old and new
          value.  Default is 200.

   -steps number
          Number of steps to take while fading. Default is 20.
