16.04LTS 64 位只能看到 8GB 内存中的 3.5GB

16.04LTS 64 位只能看到 8GB 内存中的 3.5GB

我决定退出 Windows 10,并刚刚完成了 Ubuntu 16.04LTS 64 位版本的全新安装 - 所有更新均为最新。

问题是它只能看到 3.5GB 的 RAM。我检查了 BIOS,没有 RAM 内存选项,而 Windows 10 的 BIOS 在 30 分钟前显示安装了 8GB 内存。

是的,我 100% 确定 Ubuntu 是 64 位版本。


System information:
Toshiba Satellite-C655D
Processor : AMD E-300 APU with Radeon(tm) HD Graphics × 2 
Graphics : Gallium 0.4 on AMD PALM (DRM 2.43.0, LLVM 3.8.0) 
OS Type : 64-bit
SSD : 122.0 GB

Graphics : Gallium 0.4 on AMD PALM (DRM 2.43.0, LLVM 3.8.0)

从未在 Windows 中看到过类似的东西。那里的图形仅由 Radeon 提供。


LE:在 Pilot6 的建议下,我带回了更多信息:


total used free shared buff/cache available 
Mem: 3548 1115 1181 35 1251 2142 
Swap: 3683 0 3683 .

    chip@chip-Satellite-C655D:~$ sudo dmidecode | awk '/Memory (Array|Device)/' RS=
[sudo] password for chip: 
Handle 0x0008, DMI type 16, 23 bytes
Physical Memory Array
    Location: System Board Or Motherboard
    Use: System Memory
    Error Correction Type: None
    Maximum Capacity: 8 GB
    Error Information Handle: No Error
    Number Of Devices: 2
Handle 0x0009, DMI type 17, 34 bytes
Memory Device
    Array Handle: 0x0008
    Error Information Handle: 0x000A
    Total Width: 64 bits
    Data Width: 8 bits
    Size: 4096 MB
    Form Factor: SODIMM
    Set: None
    Locator: DIMM0
    Bank Locator: BANK0
    Type: DDR3
    Type Detail: Synchronous
    Speed: 1066 MHz
    Manufacturer: Unknown
    Serial Number: 00000000
    Asset Tag: Unknown
    Part Number:                   
    Rank: 2
    Configured Clock Speed: 1066 MHz
Handle 0x000A, DMI type 18, 23 bytes
32-bit Memory Error Information
    Type: OK
    Granularity: Unknown
    Operation: Unknown
    Vendor Syndrome: Unknown
    Memory Array Address: Unknown
    Device Address: Unknown
    Resolution: Unknown
Handle 0x000C, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
    Starting Address: 0x00000000000
    Ending Address: 0x000FFFFFFFF
    Range Size: 4 GB
    Physical Device Handle: 0x0009
    Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0012
    Partition Row Position: 1
Handle 0x000D, DMI type 17, 34 bytes
Memory Device
    Array Handle: 0x0008
    Error Information Handle: 0x000E
    Total Width: 64 bits
    Data Width: 8 bits
    Size: 4096 MB
    Form Factor: SODIMM
    Set: None
    Locator: DIMM1
    Bank Locator: BANK0
    Type: DDR3
    Type Detail: Synchronous
    Speed: 1066 MHz
    Manufacturer: Unknown
    Serial Number: 00000000
    Asset Tag: Unknown
    Part Number:                   
    Rank: 2
    Configured Clock Speed: 1066 MHz
Handle 0x000E, DMI type 18, 23 bytes
32-bit Memory Error Information
    Type: OK
    Granularity: Unknown
    Operation: Unknown
    Vendor Syndrome: Unknown
    Memory Array Address: Unknown
    Device Address: Unknown
    Resolution: Unknown
Handle 0x0010, DMI type 20, 35 bytes
Memory Device Mapped Address
    Starting Address: 0x00100000000
    Ending Address: 0x001FFFFFFFF
    Range Size: 4 GB
    Physical Device Handle: 0x000D
    Memory Array Mapped Address Handle: 0x0012
    Partition Row Position: 1
Handle 0x0011, DMI type 18, 23 bytes
32-bit Memory Error Information
    Type: OK
    Granularity: Unknown
    Operation: Unknown
    Vendor Syndrome: Unknown
    Memory Array Address: Unknown
    Device Address: Unknown
    Resolution: Unknown
Handle 0x0012, DMI type 19, 31 bytes
Memory Array Mapped Address
    Starting Address: 0x00000000000
    Ending Address: 0x001FFFFFFFF
    Range Size: 8 GB
    Physical Array Handle: 0x0008
    Partition Width: 2

LLE:所以我只是交换了内存,所以 dimm 1 转到 dimm 2,反之亦然,现在我得到了 7.5 GiB。奇怪的东西...... :D

chip@chip-Satellite-C655D:~$ free -m
              total        used        free      shared  buff/cache   available
Mem:           7580         817        5983          21         779        6482
Swap:          3683           0        3683
