abcde:什么是 ~/.abcde.conf 文件,可以翻录成多种格式?

abcde:什么是 ~/.abcde.conf 文件,可以翻录成多种格式?

andrews-corner 网站上的“规范” abcde conf 文件部分已被删除;我现在可以使用哪个 conf 文件将我的带有 abcde 的音频 cd 翻录成多种不同的格式同时在 Ubuntu 下?

免责声明:这是我的网站,我曾是 abcde 的开发人员……


免责声明:这是我的网站,我曾是 abcde 的开发人员……

andrews-corner 的网络作者现在已经转向其他感兴趣的领域,但这里保留了一个 ~/.abcde.conf,它将翻录成 11 种不同的音频格式同时

# -----------------$HOME/.abcde.conf----------------- #
#  A sample configuration file to convert music cds to 
#  MP3, Ogg Vorbis, FLAC, Musepack, AAC, WavPack, Opus,
#  Monkey's Audio (ape), True Audio, AC3 and mp2, 11 formats
#  at the same time! Using abcde version 2.7.2 release version.
#   Acknowledgements to
# -------------------------------------------------- #

# Encode tracks immediately after reading. Saves disk space, gives
# better reading of 'scratchy' disks and better troubleshooting of
# encoding process but slows the operation of abcde quite a bit:

# Specify the method to use to retrieve the track information,
# the alternative is to specify 'musicbrainz':

# With the demise of freedb (thanks for the years of service!)
# we move to an alternative:

# Make a local cache of cddb entries and then volunteer to use 
# these entries when and if they match the cd:

OGGENCODERSYNTAX=oggenc                 # Specify encoder for Ogg Vorbis
MP3ENCODERSYNTAX=lame                   # Specify encoder for MP3
FLACENCODERSYNTAX=flac                  # Specify encoder for FLAC
MPCENCODERSYNTAX=mpcenc                 # Specify encoder for Musepack
AACENCODERSYNTAX=fdkaac                 # Specify encoder for AAC
OPUSENCODERSYNTAX=opusenc               # Specify encoder for Opus
WVENCODERSYNTAX=wavpack                 # Specify encoder for Wavpack
APENCODERSYNTAX=mac                     # Specify encoder for Monkey's Audio
TTAENCODERSYNTAX=tta                    # Specify encoder for True Audio
MP2ENCODERSYNTAX=twolame                # Specify encoder for MP2
MKAENCODERSYNTAX=ffmpeg                 # Specify encoder for MKA (AC3 via FFmpeg)

OGGENC=oggenc                           # Path to Ogg Vorbis encoder
LAME=lame                               # Path to MP3 encoder
FLAC=flac                               # Path to FLAC encoder
MPCENC=mpcenc                           # Path to Musepack encoder
FDKAAC=fdkaac                           # Path to the AAC encoder
OPUSENC=opusenc                         # Path to Opus encoder
WVENC=wavpack                           # Path to WavPack encoder
APENC=mac                               # Path to Monkey's Audio encoder
TTA=tta                                 # Path to True Audio encoder
TWOLAME=twolame                         # Path to MP2 encoder
FFMPEG=ffmpeg                           # Path to FFmpeg (AC3 via FFmpeg)

OGGENCOPTS='-q 6'                       # Options for Ogg Vorbis
LAMEOPTS='-V 2'                         # Options for MP3 
FLACOPTS='-s -e -V -8'                  # Options for FLAC
MPCENCOPTS='--extreme'                  # Options for Musepack
FDKAACENCOPTS='-p 2 -m 5 -a 1'          # Options for fdkaac
OPUSENCOPTS="--vbr --bitrate 128"       # Options for Opus
WVENCOPTS="-hx3"                        # Options for WavPack
APENCOPTS="-c4000"                      # Options for Monkey's Audio
TTAENCOPTS=""                           # Options for True Audio
TWOLAMENCOPTS="--bitrate 320"           # Options for MP2
FFMPEGENCOPTS="-c:a ac3 -b:a 448k"      # Options for MKA (AC3 via FFmpeg)

OUTPUTTYPE="ogg,mp3,flac,mpc,m4a,opus,wv,ape,tta,mp2,mka"  # Encode to 11 formats!

# The cd ripping program to use. There are a few choices here: cdda2wav,
# dagrab, cddafs (Mac OS X only) and flac. New to abcde 2.7 is 'libcdio'.
# Give the location of the ripping program and pass any extra options,
# if using libcdio set 'CD_PARANOIA=cd-paranoia'.

# Give the location of the CD identification program:       
# Give the base location here for the encoded music files.

# The default actions that abcde will take.

# Decide here how you want the tracks labelled for a standard 'single-artist',
# multi-track encode and also for a multi-track, 'various-artist' encode:

# Decide here how you want the tracks labelled for a standard 'single-artist',
# single-track encode and also for a single-track 'various-artist' encode.
# (Create a single-track encode with 'abcde -1' from the commandline.)

# Create playlists for single and various-artist encodes. I would suggest
# commenting these out for single-track encoding.

# This function takes out dots preceding the album name, and removes a grab
# bag of illegal characters. It allows spaces, if you do not wish spaces add
# in -e 's/ /_/g' after the first sed command.
mungefilename ()
  echo "$@" | sed -e 's/^\.*//' | tr -d ":><|*/\"'?[:cntrl:]"

MAXPROCS=2                                # Run a few encoders simultaneously
PADTRACKS=y                               # Makes tracks 01 02 not 1 2
EXTRAVERBOSE=2                            # Useful for debugging
COMMENT='abcde version 2.7.2'             # Place a comment...
EJECTCD=y                                 # Please eject cd when finished :-)

请记住,这个 ~/.abcde.conf 也可以用于单身的使用类似下面的方法对音频编解码器进行翻录和编码:

abcde -o mp3

这将仅使用 conf 文件中的“mp3”部分...命令行有多酷:)



abcde.conf 文件的集合...



