On a Ubuntu Install with DHCP set to get IP Automatically, does Ubuntu also pull the DNS IP's from the DHCP Server, or does the OS User need to add DNS Manually?
We have a user complaining they are getting DNS IP: which from other sites seems to have been a standard IP being asked about.
I told them to manually set the DNS's into Ubuntu.
This is a generic Networking question, not just an Ubuntu question.
If you use pure DHCP, then IP addresses for DNS servers are inherited via DHCP. This can be overridden by setting DNS manually in network settings in Ubuntu or any system and overriding it, or in my case setting DNS settings at the system-resolved
level to take effect REGARDLESS of network configuration (DHCP or otherwise).
大多数使用 DHCP 的系统也会通过 DHCP 为 DNS 分配 IP 地址。有时,路由器的 IP 地址是 DNS 服务器,它处理对网络上其他主机名的请求,并转发到另一个 DNS 服务器进行 Internet 查找。当分配 IP 地址时,
例如,当他们的 IP 也是192.168.10.[something]
时,它会将路由器的 IP 地址作为网络的 DNS 服务器。如果得到,
则由 DHCP 设置。
我可以向您展示 20 个使用此类 DNS 设置的网络配置示例,全部都是 Ubuntu。并且所有都遵守默认安装中的 DHCP 和 DNS 规则(当您开始检查诸如我的计算机设置之类的东西时,它会变得复杂得多,因为我的 DNS 还有很多其他东西在起作用)