Ubuntu 显卡问题:游戏卡在加载屏幕上 - 有没有与此 Windows 解决方案相当的东西?

Ubuntu 显卡问题:游戏卡在加载屏幕上 - 有没有与此 Windows 解决方案相当的东西?

我正在玩《中世纪 2》这款游戏。游戏卡在加载屏幕上,因此对于 Windows,有一个与此解决方案类似的解决方案:

OK, so my initial hunch was actually correct, this problem is related to graphic driver's TDR function. However, I initially didn't apply the setting correctly, because the article I read says 64b OS should set QWORD. Here is what I did to disable TDR, my system is Windows 7:

Open regedit, go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SYSTEM/ControlSet001/Control/GraphicsDrivers

Create a new REG_DWORD: TdrLevel, set it to 0

reboot to let new key take effect
