刚刚成功安装了 Epson Workforce 845 打印机-传真-扫描仪。打印机工作正常,但似乎没有用于扫描仪功能的任何驱动程序等。有什么线索吗?
爱普生 Workforce 845滚动页面至底部约 1/3
根据SANE 网站
>>>>> found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0892) at libusb:001:007 is your Epson scanner.
编辑时间:gksudo gedit /etc/sane.d/epkowa.conf
# epkowa.conf -- sample configuration for the EPKOWA SANE backend
# Copyright (C) 2004, 2008, 2009 Olaf Meeuwissen
# See sane-epkowa(5), sane-usb(5) and sane-scsi(5) for details.
# Detect all devices supported by the backend.
# If you don't have a SCSI device, you can comment out the "scsi"
# keyword. Similarly for the other keywords.
# For any USB scanner not known to the backend (yet), you may, at your
# own peril(!!), force the backend to recognise and use it via libusb.
# You can do so by the following configuration command:
# usb <USB vendor ID> <USB product ID>
# SEIKO EPSON's USB vendor ID is '0x04b8' (without quotes). In order
# to find the USB product ID, use lsusb(1).
# A sample configuration for the Epson Perfection 1650 (Epson GT-8200),
# which has a product ID of 0x0110, would look as follows:
#usb 0x04b8 0x0110
您需要按照示例插入 (vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0892) 并删除开头代码行中的“#”。保存并重新启动。