使用 Ubuntu SDK 编译并运行相机应用程序

使用 Ubuntu SDK 编译并运行相机应用程序

获得相机应用程序,revno:542。主机 - 14.04,Ubuntu SDK。


尝试运行“相机”运行配置时出现运行时 qml 错误:

file:///home/user/camera-app/camera-app.dev/camera-app.qml:24:1: module "CameraApp" is not installed 
     import CameraApp 0.1 

目标 ubuntu-sdk-14.04-i386


Could not find the manifest.json file in /home/user/camera-app/build-camera-app.dev-UbuntuSDK_for_i386_GCC_ubuntu_sdk_14_04_trusty-Default/.ubuntu-sdk-deploy.

目标 ubuntu-sdk-14.04-i386 -DCLICK_MODE=on

(使用 cmake 选项‘-DINSTALL_TESTS=off -DCLICK_MODE=on’)


Warning: Permanently added '[]:10000' (RSA) to the list of known hosts.
Sdk-Launcher> Executing:     /tmp/com.ubuntu.camera_3.0.0.latest_armhf.click
Sdk-Launcher> Force Install: False
Sdk-Launcher> Skip Uninstall:False
Sdk-Launcher> Launcher PID: 32296
Sdk-Launcher> Installing application .....
Transaction:    Installing files
Status:     Waiting in queue
Status:     Starting
Status:     Finished
Transaction:    Installing files
Status:     Waiting in queue
Status:     Waiting for authentication
Status:     Waiting in queue
Status:     Starting
Status:     Finished
Fatal error: /tmp/com.ubuntu.camera_3.0.0.latest_armhf.click failed to install.
WARNING:root:Signature check failed, but installing anyway as requested
Cannot install /tmp/com.ubuntu.camera_3.0.0.latest_armhf.click: Package architecture "armhf" not compatible with system architecture "i386"

Sdk-Launcher> Installing the application failed

将初始 manifest.json 编辑为 i386 架构后,可以安装该包。但有一个运行时错误:

Debug-helper> Setting up environment
Debug-helper> TmpDir:      /home/phablet/.local/share/com.ubuntu.camera/
Debug-helper> AppId:       com.ubuntu.camera_camera_3.0.0.latest
Debug-helper> Environment: confined
Debug-helper> Environment initialized, starting the application
Debug-helper> Executing ./camera-app['./camera-app']
./camera-app: symbol lookup error: ./camera-app: undefined symbol: _ZN6QDebugD1Ev

目标 ubuntu-sdk-14.10-armhf -DCLICK_MODE=on

(使用 cmake 选项‘-DINSTALL_TESTS=off -DCLICK_MODE=on’)


我该怎么做才能在桌面或 sdk-14.04-i386 上运行某些东西?

ubuntu-terminal-app 可以在 ubuntu-sdk-14.04-i386 上开箱即用。




让我相信您使用 15.04 Kit 编译了它并尝试在 14.10/RTM 设备/模拟器上运行。

在 15.05 上重试,或在 14.10 上重试。
