我在更改 UID 时遇到的问题多得数不清。我太沮丧了,只好格式化,然后重新开始。这一次,我希望我的安装让第一个用户使用,比如说 UID 1200。我不想安装 Ubuntu,然后通过更改我的 UID 来制造所有问题。我不知道如何解决所有这些问题,这就是我格式化的原因。我当然我再也不会在 Ubuntu 上犯同样的错误了。我只想使用特定的 UID 安装 Ubuntu。我该怎么做?
方法 1 - 如果你只想创建具有给定 UID 的用户
- 正常安装 Ubuntu
- 登录 Ubuntu
- 打开终端
- 创建 ID 为 1200 的新用户
sudo adduser -u 1200 <username>
- 确认已使用所需 ID 创建用户
awk -F: '/\/home/ {printf "%s:%s\n",$1,$3}' /etc/passwd
- 将新创建的用户添加到 sudoers 组
sudo adduser <username> sudo
- 登出
- 使用新创建的用户登录
- (可选)删除旧用户
方法 2 - 使用预置自动安装 Ubuntu
为了能够在安装时定义 UID 范围,你需要使用预置来自动化 Ubuntu 安装,这基本上是
# Skip creation of a root account (normal user account will be able to
# use sudo). The default is false; preseed this to true if you want to set
# a root password.
#d-i passwd/root-login boolean false
# Alternatively, to skip creation of a normal user account.
#d-i passwd/make-user boolean false
# Root password, either in clear text
#d-i passwd/root-password password r00tme
#d-i passwd/root-password-again password r00tme
# or encrypted using an MD5 hash.
#d-i passwd/root-password-crypted password [MD5 hash]
# To create a normal user account.
#d-i passwd/user-fullname string Ubuntu User
#d-i passwd/username string ubuntu
# Normal user's password, either in clear text
#d-i passwd/user-password password insecure
#d-i passwd/user-password-again password insecure
# or encrypted using an MD5 hash.
#d-i passwd/user-password-crypted password [MD5 hash]
# Create the first user with the specified UID instead of the default.
#d-i passwd/user-uid string 1010
# The installer will warn about weak passwords. If you are sure you know
# what you're doing and want to override it, uncomment this.
#d-i user-setup/allow-password-weak boolean true
# The user account will be added to some standard initial groups. To
# override that, use this.
#d-i passwd/user-default-groups string audio cdrom video
# Set to true if you want to encrypt the first user's home directory.
d-i user-setup/encrypt-home boolean false
# Create the first user with the specified UID instead of the default.
d-i passwd/user-uid string 1010