如何搜索所有包含特定关键字的 man 文件?

如何搜索所有包含特定关键字的 man 文件?

我想学习如何通过将文件内容作为参数来搜索文件。然后我可以应用该解决方案来搜索 Richard Stallman 贡献的命令(通过手册页)。


man man

-K, --global-apropos
      Search for text in all manual  pages.   This  is  a  brute-force
      search,  and is likely to take some time; if you can, you should
      specify a section to reduce the number of pages that need to  be
      searched.   Search terms may be simple strings (the default), or
      regular expressions if the --regex option is used.

-w, --where, --location
      Don't actually display  the  manual  pages,  but  do  print  the
      location(s) of the source nroff files that would be formatted.


man -wK 'Richard M Stllman'

尽管手册页通常只有Richard Stallman,但两个单词之间的空格量可变,因此正则表达式可能更合适:

      Show all pages with any part of  either  their  names  or  their
      descriptions   matching   each   page   argument  as  a  regular
      expression, as with  apropos(1).   Since  there  is  usually  no
      reasonable  way  to  pick  a  "best"  page  when searching for a
      regular expression, this option implies -a.


man --regex -wK 'Richard *Stallman' 


此命令将显示包含关键字的 man 文件的文件名Stallman

zgrep -l Stallman /usr/share/man/man?/*

我的 15.10 中的输出以此开头:


然后,您就可以像平常一样使用man catman comm等进行浏览。


此方法不会搜索整个手册页中的关键字,而只会搜索每个手册页的标题和简短描述。这对您来说还不够,但对于快速查找某些内容很有用。如果它没有返回所需的结果,您必须使用 @菲尔斯夫回答


$ apropos chat
chat (8)             - Automated conversational script with a modem
chattr (1)           - change file attributes on a Linux file system
empathy (1)          - GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client


$ whatis empathy
empathy (1)          - GNOME multi-protocol chat and call client

正如我所说,这种方法不会搜索整个手册页主体,因此apropos Stallman不会返回任何内容...
