Ubuntu 14.04.2 重新编译后内核版本发生变化

Ubuntu 14.04.2 重新编译后内核版本发生变化

我接到一个任务,要求我重新编译一个 64 位内核(不做任何修改),并将新内核设为 grub 中的默认内核。我在内核为 的 Ubuntu 14.04.2 64 位系统上执行此操作3.16.0-60-generic

我执行了以下指令(部分来自这里还有一些来自这里) -

apt-get source linux-image-$(uname -r)
sudo apt-get build-dep linux-image-$(uname -r)
cd linux-lts-utopic-3.16.0/
cp /boot/config-3.16.0-60-generic .config
make modules
make modules_install
sudo make install

我可以启动内核,但内核版本 ( uname -r) 除外,其余内容均显示为3.16.7-ckt22。如果我从源代码编译内核,版本会如何变化3.16.0-60

编辑:我没有遵循https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel因为它们会用新内核映像覆盖当前内核映像。我想要一个修改后缀的映像,如 -3.16.0-60-recompiled 或类似后缀,并显示在 grub 中的原始映像旁边。


简短的回答是内核版本并没有因您的编译而改变,而是因官方 Ubuntu 版本而改变。下面是较长的答案。

官方的 Ubuntu 内核有特殊的版本号。你可以查看版本号映射这里,并且您的特定行被复制如下:

3.16.0-60.80~14.04.1    Ubuntu-lts-3.16.0-60.80_14.04.1 3.16.7-ckt22


What does a specific Ubuntu kernel version number mean?

The official version of an Ubuntu kernel tells you a number of things,
including the base upstream version, the current Ubuntu ABI identifier
and the kernel flavour. (See How can we determine the version of the
running kernel? to find your current version number.)

Given a version like 2.6.35-6.9-generic this can be broken into four
parts as below:

    <base kernel version>-<ABI number>.<upload number>-<flavour> 

The base kernel version represents the mainline version on which the
Ubuntu kernel is based. The ABI number represents significant changes
in the kernel Application Binary Interface. The upload number is a
monotonically increasing counter for each upload of this base version.
The flavour indicates which kernel configuration variant this is (See
What is a Kernel Flavour?). 
