

我最近从 VPS 升级到专用服务器,用于托管我的游戏服务器和 IT 项目。但是,运行游戏服务器的两个专用服务器应用程序都遇到了分段错误问题。

我以前从未遇到过这些问题,我不知道如何或是否可以修复它,因为过去这不是问题。我觉得这是软件和/或用户权限的问题(我不在 root 下运行游戏服务器,并且我不会频繁触碰权限,只在需要时才触碰。),尽管这只是盲目的猜测。


以下是 Team Fortress 2 专用服务器日志。Rust 专用服务器也会出现分段错误。

Looking up breakpad interfaces from steamclient
Calling BreakpadMiniDumpSystemInit
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
BFD: Warning: /home/steam/tf2/core is truncated: expected core file size >= 
193724416, found: 1024000.
Cannot access memory at address 0xf7765908
Cannot access memory at address 0xf7765904
Failed to read a valid object file image from memory.
Cannot access memory at address 0xf7765908
Cannot access memory at address 0xf7765904
debug.cmds:5: Error in sourced command file:
No function contains program counter for selected frame.
email debug.log to [email protected]
Mon Apr 10 16:51:22 EDT 2017: Server restart in 10 seconds

我正在运行 Ubuntu Server 16.04 LTS,并确保它完全是最新的。
