Windows 版 X-Server

Windows 版 X-Server

我有 Windows 10 64 位,并且在 Windows 上安装了 Ubuntu 子系统。我已经安装了 ubuntu-desktop、unity、compiz 和 compiz 配置设置。但是当我compiz在 Ubuntu bash 上输入时,出现以下错误:

compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: core
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: core
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: ccp
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: ccp
compizconfig - Info: Backend     : ini
compizconfig - Info: Integration : true
compizconfig - Info: Profile     : default
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: composite
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: composite
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: opengl
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: opengl
libGL error: No matching fbConfigs or visuals found
libGL error: failed to load driver: swrast
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
compiz (core) - Error: Plugin initScreen failed: opengl
compiz (core) - Error: Failed to start plugin: opengl
compiz (core) - Info: Unloading plugin: opengl
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: place
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: place
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: resize
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: resize
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: snap
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: snap
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: commands
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: commands
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: compiztoolbox
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: compiztoolbox
compiz (core) - Error: Plugin 'opengl' not loaded.
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: copytex
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: copytex
compiz (core) - Error: Plugin 'opengl' not loaded.
compiz (core) - Error: Plugin init failed: copytex
compiz (core) - Error: Failed to start plugin: copytex
compiz (core) - Info: Unloading plugin: copytex
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: imgpng
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: imgpng
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: move
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: move
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: scale
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: scale
compiz (core) - Error: Plugin 'opengl' not loaded.
compiz (core) - Error: Plugin init failed: scale
compiz (core) - Error: Failed to start plugin: scale
compiz (core) - Info: Unloading plugin: scale
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: expo
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: expo
compiz (core) - Error: Plugin 'opengl' not loaded.
compiz (core) - Error: Plugin init failed: expo
compiz (core) - Error: Failed to start plugin: expo
compiz (core) - Info: Unloading plugin: expo
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: unityshell
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: unityshell
compiz (core) - Error: Plugin 'opengl' not loaded.
compiz (core) - Error: Plugin init failed: unityshell
compiz (core) - Error: Failed to start plugin: unityshell
compiz (core) - Info: Unloading plugin: unityshell
Compiz (opengl) - Fatal: Root visual is not a double buffered GL visual

屏幕变黑,什么都没有。Unity 无法加载。我该如何解决这个问题?


Windows 版 X-Server

gedit在运行任何图形应用程序(如或 )之前,您需要为 Windows 安装 X-Server nautilus。我使用的效果不错VcXsrv,但您也可以尝试其他程序。

ZDNET 上有一个关于在 Windows 10 WSL 下设置 Ubuntu Unity 的非常好的教程:

如果你简单地谷歌一下,VcXsrv WSL你就会得到很多结果:

笔记:我将您的标签更改14.04为,wsl因为这是关于 Windows Subsystem for Linux 的,它默认使用 Windows Store 中的 16.04。不过,您可能可以安装任何受支持的 Ubuntu 桌面版本,甚至可以像我一样安装 Xubuntu 桌面 16.04。

compiz在 WSL 中运行

在 WSL(适用于 Linux 的 Windows 子系统)中设置 Unity 后,我可以使用以下命令对其进行测试:

$ compiz
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: core
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: core
compiz (core) - Info: Loading plugin: ccp
compiz (core) - Info: Starting plugin: ccp
compizconfig - Info: Backend     : ini
compizconfig - Info: Integration : true
compizconfig - Info: Profile     : default
