当我在 Kubuntu 13.10 中右键单击存档并选择提取选项时,并没有发生什么。任务栏启动器旋转了几秒钟,但实际上什么都没有提取。我怀疑有什么东西爆炸了,但没有终端输出来尝试找出发生了什么。
我想手动运行 KDE 正在运行的命令,以便查看哪里出了问题,并希望修复它。但是右键单击选项存储在哪里?我在哪里可以找到 KDE 尝试运行的命令?
“在此提取存档”是 KDE 服务菜单 /1/
系统 KDE 服务菜单桌面文件位于:/usr/share/kde4/services/ServiceMenus/
ark_servicemenu.desktop /2/ 有“在此提取存档”选项。它正在执行命令:
ark --batch --autodestination %F
%F /3/ 是:
可以通过 man 获取更多的 Ark 选项:
man ark
ARK(1) KDE User's Manual ARK(1)
ark - KDE archiving tool
ark [-b] [-a] [-e] [-c] [-f suffix] [-p] [-t file] [-d] [-o directory] [KDE Generic Options]
[Qt(TM) Generic Options]
Ark is a program for managing various compressed file formats within KDE. Archives can be viewed, extracted,
created and modified with Ark. The program can handle various formats such as tar, gzip, bzip2, zip, rar (when
the appropriate libraries or command-line programs are installed).
Ark can be used either as a stand-alone GUI program as well as a command-line program in order to perform some
specific tasks.
If invoked without the -b (--batch) or -c (--add) options, Ark is started as a normal GUI program.
When the -b (--batch) option is used, Ark can be used to extract the contents of one or more files directly
from the command-line, without launching its GUI.
When the -c (--add) option is used, Ark prompts for files that should be added to a new archive or to an
existing archive.
Options for batch extraction
-b, --batch
Use the batch interface instead of the usual dialog. This option is implied if more than one url is
-e, --autodestination
The destination argument will be set to the path of the first file supplied.
在此处提取存档命令将运行 Ark 并提取内容。
Ark 是一个用于管理 KDE 环境中各种档案格式的程序。
可以从 Ark 中查看、提取、创建和修改档案。该程序可以处理各种格式,例如 tar、gzip、bzip2、zip、rar 和 lha(如果安装了适当的命令行程序)。如果您安装了 kdeaddons 包中的 Konqueror Integration 插件,Ark 可以与 KDE 环境中的 Konqueror 紧密协作来处理档案。KDE 实用程序