Dell fans not working

Dell fans not working

我已经在我的 DELL Inspiron 15R 上安装了 Ubuntu 14.04。

自从我安装了它,我的风扇就一直在转,即使我什么也没做。我发现这个帖子我决定安装 i8kutils。安装后,我的粉丝现在根本不旋转!! This is very dangerous for my laptop... If I run i8kfan -1 2 my fan is spinning for 1-2 seconds in full power, and then stops again. What I should do?

I also tried the following that exist in this answer:

Put ENABLED=1 in /etc/default/i8kmon

Put set config(auto) 1 in /etc/i8kmon.conf


Please also find the output of this command $ /usr/bin/i8kmon --verbose here

ps1: I should mention that my laptops fans work flawlesly when using windows.

ps2: I also know that there are numerous similar questions out there. I spent many hours studying them and I couldn't find any good answer. Therefore, I am seeking for a good answer, than closing down my question as duplicate.


Finally, I found it (I think :p). The site mentioned in the question says that the configuration should be copied at the file: /etc/i8mon.

However, they should be written here: ~/.i8kmon instead. And I think it works fine this way.

Editor's Note

The actual error was in the forum post which OP was following. Although the author intended to say to change in /etc/i8kmon file, They mistakenly wrote /etc/i8mon instead in the code section. Since, OP was following the code, the configurations didn't work.

OP saved the configs in ~/.i8kmon and that worked because user's config stored in ~/ is preferred than the ones in /etc and that way it was overriding the default configs. So, OP's assumption is wrong. Both /etc/i8kmon and ~/.i8kmon would work. The error was in somewhere else.
