PDFtk 密码保护帮助

PDFtk 密码保护帮助

我正在使用 Ubuntu 11.10,正在寻找一种解决方案,可以批量对目录中的一堆 pdf 文件进行密码保护。我遇到了 PDFtk,它看起来可以满足我的需要,但是我查看了命令行 PDFtk 示例,无法弄清楚是否有办法批量执行此操作,而不必为每个文件单独指定输出文件名。我希望命令行专家可以查看 PDFtk 语法并告诉我是否有一些技巧/命令可以让我用密码保护 pdf 文件目录(例如 *.pdf)并使用相同的名称覆盖现有文件,或者一致地重命名各个输出文件,而无需单独指定每个输出名称。

以下是 PDFtk 命令行示例页面的链接:http://www.pdflabs.com/tools/pdftk-the-pdf-toolkit/


我想我已经回答了自己的问题。这是一个似乎可以解决问题的 bash 脚本。我欢迎帮助评估为什么我注释掉的代码不起作用...

# Created by Dave, 2012-02-23
# This script uses PDFtk to password protect every PDF file
# in the directory specified. The script creates a directory named "protected_[DATE]"
# to hold the password protected version of the files.
# I'm using the "user_pw" parameter, 
# which means no one will be able to open or view the file without
# the password.
# PDFtk must be installed for this script to work.
# Usage: ./protect_with_pdftk.bsh [FILE(S)]
# [FILE(S)] can use wildcard expansion (e.g., *.pdf)

# This part isn't working.... ignore. The goal is to avoid errors if the
# directory to be created already exists by only attempting to create
# it if it doesn't exists
#TARGET_DIR="protected_$(date +%F)"
#if [ -d "$TARGET_DIR" ]
    #echo   # echo "$TARGET_DIR directory exists!"
    #echo   # echo "$TARGET_DIR directory does not exist!"

mkdir protected_$(date +%F) 
for i in *pdf ; do pdftk "$i" output "./protected_$(date +%F)/$i" user_pw [PASSWORD]; done 
echo "Complete. Output is in the directory: ./protected_$(date +%F)"




TARGET_DIR="protected_$(date +%F)"
if [ -d "$TARGET_DIR" ]
    echo "$TARGET_DIR directory exists!"
    echo "$TARGET_DIR directory does not exist!"
    mkdir "$TARGET_DIR"


protected_2012-02-23 directory does not exist!


protected_2012-02-23 directory exists!




我已经回答了自己的问题。这是一个似乎可以解决问题的 bash 脚本。我欢迎您帮助评估为什么我注释掉的代码不起作用...

# Created by Dave, 2012-02-23
# This script uses PDFtk to password protect every PDF file
# in the directory specified. The script creates a directory named     "protected_[DATE]"
# to hold the password protected version of the files.
# I'm using the "user_pw" parameter, 
# which means no one will be able to open or view the file without
# the password.
# PDFtk must be installed for this script to work.
# Usage: ./protect_with_pdftk.bsh [FILE(S)]
# [FILE(S)] can use wildcard expansion (e.g., *.pdf)

# This part isn't working.... ignore. The goal is to avoid errors if the
# directory to be created already exists by only attempting to create
# it if it doesn't exists
#TARGET_DIR="protected_$(date +%F)"
#if [ -d "$TARGET_DIR" ]
#echo   # echo "$TARGET_DIR directory exists!"
#echo   # echo "$TARGET_DIR directory does not exist!"

mkdir protected_$(date +%F) 
for i in *pdf ; do pdftk "$i" output "./protected_$(date +%F)/$i" user_pw    [PASSWORD]; done 
echo "Complete. Output is in the directory: ./protected_$(date +%F)"


有一个图形工具叫做pdfsam。您可以通过以下方式通过 Ubuntu 默认存储库安装它:

sudo apt-get install pdfsam

或者在 Ubuntu 软件中心用他的名字搜索。

它是用 Java 制作的,它的 UI 看起来有些旧而且有点复杂,但可以很好地完成工作。
