在软件包更新期间使用 vimdiff 代替 diff 来比较配置

在软件包更新期间使用 vimdiff 代替 diff 来比较配置

有时,当您执行软件包更新时,当 apt 尝试更新包含更新配置的软件包时,系统会提示您采取的操作。

我想知道在这个问题中按下 D 键时是否有办法调用 vimdiff 来代替 diff。

Configuration file `/etc/gnome/defaults.list'
 ==> Modified (by you or by a script) since installation.
 ==> Package distributor has shipped an updated version.
   What would you like to do about it ?  Your options are:
    Y or I  : install the package maintainer's version
    N or O  : keep your currently-installed version
      D     : show the differences between the versions
      Z     : start a shell to examine the situation
 The default action is to keep your current version.
*** defaults.list (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? D




  • Z
  • vimdiff /etc/gnome/defaults.list{,.dpkg-new}
