我最近从他们的网站下载了最新版本的 GIMP (2.9.4),并解压了它。我阅读了 INSTALL 文件并运行了 configure 脚本。但是,当我这样做时,它失败了:
GIMP configuration failed.
The following mandatory dependencies are missing:
- babl >= 0.1.18
- gegl-0.3 >= 0.3.8
- atk >= 2.2.0
- gtk+-2.0 >= 2.24.10
*** Test for GTK+ failed.
- gdk-pixbuf-2.0 >= 2.30.8
- gdk-pixbuf-csource
*** Could not find gdk-pixbuf-csource in your PATH.
- gexiv2 >= 0.6.1
- libtiff
*** Checks for TIFF library failed
- libjpeg
*** JPEG library not found
- libjpeg
*** JPEG header file not found
- libjpeg
*** JPEG library is too old
- liblzma >= 5.0.0
- libmypaint >= 1.3.0
- lcms2 >= 2.6
- Python 2 headers
*** Please install them, or skip building the python scripting extension by
*** passing --disable-python to configure (but then you will not be able
*** to use scripts for GIMP that are written in Python).
- PyGTK 2.10.4 or newer
*** Please install it, or skip building the python scripting extension by
*** passing --disable-python to configure (but then you will not be able
*** to use scripts for GIMP that are written in Python).
- pygtk-codegen-2.0 script
*** Please install it, or skip building the python scripting extension by
*** passing --disable-python to configure (but then you will not be able
*** to use scripts for GIMP that are written in Python).
- PyCairo 1.0.2 or newer
*** Please install it, or skip building the python scripting extension by
*** passing --disable-python to configure (but then you will not be able
*** to use scripts for GIMP that are written in Python).
我已经通过 dnf 手动安装了所有这些,但不知何故它仍然无法识别一些最简单的软件包,例如libjpeg
.有谁知道为什么它可能无法读取最新安装的软件包?我使用的是 Fedora 25。
正如@riccs_0x 的评论中提到的,您缺少几个开发包。
您可以告诉包管理器安装发行版 GIMP 包的所有依赖项(目前为 2.8.22),而不是从包管理中一一查找并安装它们。除了 2.8.x 中根本不需要的任何内容 - 并且您已经找到了 libmypaint 和最近的足够的 babl 和 gegl - 这将解决您遇到的大多数(如果不是全部)问题。
GIMP 2.9.x 版本可能需要比 2.8.x 更新的依赖版本,但由于 GIMP 在提高这些版本方面往往相当保守,因此您可能仍然会拥有这些版本。
为了安装源码包的依赖,yum 和 dnf 都提供了 a builddep 命令。我自己不使用 Fedora,也无法尝试,但我的第一次尝试是:
dnf builddep gimp