如何将“source-highlight”与“git show”一起使用?

如何将“source-highlight”与“git show”一起使用?

使用源突出显示与 less 结合使用工作得很好,但我很难知道如何使用它,git show因为没有文件扩展名来线索source-highlightgit 输出中使用的语言......

less somefile.rb # result is syntax colourised
git show master:somefile.rb | less # no colouring

使用调用git show master:somefile.rb | less实际上与调用相同less somefile(即不.rb);因为没有扩展名,所以源突出显示无法猜测语法。


编辑1 啊,所以看起来像source-highlight可以使用其他方法推断语言,但我的源文件中没有任何这些。


我最终修改了 gnu source-highlight 的 src-hilite-lesspipe.sh ,以便它可以与管道文件一起使用:https://gist.github.com/jaygooby/9494858d3d481a64819d227a9318f6c7


less code.py


less /tmp/mycode


cat /tmp/file.rb | less
git show master:obfusicated.perl # implicit pipe to less via git's pager

如果您知道您的代码使用的语法 source-highlight 没有任何定义文件,您可以通过设置类似的语言来覆盖猜测。 c 通常是一个很好的后备:

SRCLANG=c git show master:app/views/layouts/application.html.erb


#! /bin/bash
# Based on http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/src-highlite.git/tree/src/src-hilite-lesspipe.sh.in
# by Lorenzo Bettini
# Modified by Jay Caines-Gooby to support piped files
# [email protected]
# @jaygooby
# Typically called by setting:
# export LESSOPEN="|-/path/to/src-hilite-lesspipe.sh %s"
# export LESS=-R
# If we're less-ing a file, %s will be replaced by the name of the file. If
# there's no file and we're reading from a pipe, then %s is set to -
# This script differs from the original src-hilite-lesspipe.sh
# in that it can handle pipes and files with no extensions and will
# attempt to guess their language using the file command.
# So as well as invoking on regular files:
# less some.rb
# less some.py
# It will should be able to work on:
# less no-extension-but-contains-perl
# and even with more complex examples (my original motivation
# https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/469982/how-can-i-use-source-highlight-with-git-show)
# git show master:some.rb
# It uses bashisms to do this, so is no longer a pure POSIX sh script.
set -eu

# Users can override the guessed language by setting SRCLANG:
# SRCLANG=c git show master:app/views/layouts/application.html.erb

guess_language() {
  lang=$(echo -e ${1:-} | file - | cut -d" " -f2)
  echo $(tr [A-Z] [a-z] <<< "$lang")

# check if the language passed as $1 is known to source-highlight
# In an earlier version of this script I set a fallback (c.lang)
# but this causes issues with paging man pages etc
check_language_is_known() {
  lang=$(source-highlight --lang-list | cut -d' ' -f1 | grep "${1:-}" || true)
  echo $lang

for source in "$@"; do
  case $source in
      source-highlight --failsafe -f esc --lang-def=changelog.lang --style-file=esc.style -i "$source" ;;
      source-highlight --failsafe -f esc --lang-def=makefile.lang --style-file=esc.style -i "$source" ;;
      lesspipe "$source" ;;

      # naive check for a file extension; let source-highlight infer language
      # but only when source isn't - (ie. from a piped file)
      if [[ "$source" != "-" && $(basename "$source") =~ \. ]]; then
        source-highlight --failsafe --infer-lang -f esc --style-file=esc.style -i "$source"
        # We're being piped to, or the filename doesn't have an extension
        # so guess the language.

        # When we're being piped to, we cat stdin, but when it's a file
        # without an extension, we cat the file instead.

        # unset IFS so line breaks are preserved and capture the file's contents
        # (will only work for files up to bash's available memory). There should
        # be a better way to replicate this with tee or process substitution...
        IFS= file=$([ "source" = "-" ] && cat || cat "$source")
        lang=$(guess_language $file)
        lang=$(check_language_is_known $lang)

        # Don't call if source-highlight doesn't know the language
        # BUT also let users override the guessed lang if the environment
        # variable SRCLANG is set. This can help where you know e.g. your
        # source code is c-like, but source-highlight has no specific syntax
        # definition for your code
        [ -n "$SRCLANG" ] && lang="$SRCLANG"

        if [ -n "$lang" ]; then
          echo $file | source-highlight --failsafe -f esc --src-lang=$lang --style-file=esc.style
          echo $file



source-highlight无需使用扩展名即可猜测语言。看6.1 如何发现输入语言


source-highlight: missing feature: language inference requires input file


git确实有一些配置其寻呼机的选项 - 请参阅文档核心寻呼机寻呼机。<cmd>。但是没有任何机制可以将附加信息(例如文件名)传递给分页器 - git-show仅在显示提交时有格式化选项。您指定的“寻呼机命令”必须是一个附加的包装器脚本,它执行以下步骤:

  1. 读取整个输入并将其保存在临时文件中
  2. 调用source-highlight ...该文件
  3. 将输出传送到实际的寻呼机

