Iomega Home Media 磁盘损坏 - 寻求数据恢复帮助

Iomega Home Media 磁盘损坏 - 寻求数据恢复帮助

您好,ubuntu 成员...

从昨天开始,我的 Iomega 家庭媒体网络硬盘 (HMNHD) 出现了问题,它已经运行了 2 年多。这是由于一次大面积停电导致的,我认为这损坏了硬盘操作系统,导致无法再访问文件。我需要恢复一些关键文件(它们上周放在驱动器上,但尚未“复制”到第二个 NAS,因为每两周运行一次的保存周期将于今天运行(太晚了 !!!)

在来这里寻求帮助之前,我做了几个测试,因为我认为硬盘 Seagate 1 到 SATA) 尚未出现故障,但数据损坏是原因...这是我得到的结果:在 Windows 下运行几个软件,给我以下信息:- 磁盘运行 GPT-EFI。- 方便我们:看到 7000 个文件并可以恢复它们,但几个 gz 文件被分割(见以下原因)- TestDisk 看到 GPT-EFI 磁盘类型,并指示:

Current partition structure:
     Partition                  Start        End    Size in sectors

 1 P Linux Raid                 65536   42008576   41943041 [primary] [md0]
No FAT, NTFS, ext2, JFS, Reiser, cramfs or XFS marker
 2 P MS Data                 42008584 1953525106 1911516523 [primary]
 2 P MS Data                 42008584 1953525106 1911516523 [primary]


Disk /dev/sdc - 1000 GB / 931 GiB - CHS 121601 255 63
     Partition               Start        End    Size in sectors
>P Linux LVM                  65536   42008447   41942912
 P Linux Raid              42008448   42008575        128 [md0]
   Linux Raid              42008584   42008591          8 [hmnhd-TID0YM:1]
   Linux LVM               42008584 1953524999 1911516416

如您所见,有一个 Linux Raid 分区,这可以解释为什么我们无法恢复数据(gz 文件分割)... Testdisk 在 14 小时后仍无法恢复数据,并且仍在分析磁盘。

我决定切换到 ubuntu live-cd 并尝试恢复我能恢复的内容(我已经对其他磁盘做过这个操作,效果很好)


ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fdisk -l

WARNING: GPT (GUID Partition Table) detected on '/dev/sdc'! The util fdisk doesn't support GPT. Use GNU Parted.

Disk /dev/sdc: 1000.2 GB, 1000204886016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 121601 cylinders, total 1953525168 sectors
Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 4096 bytes
I/O size (minimum/optimal): 4096 bytes / 4096 bytes
Disk identifier: 0x00008000

   Device Boot      Start         End      Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdc1               1  1953525167   976762583+  ee  GPT
Partition 1 does not start on physical sector boundary.

好的,GPT 类型..让我们继续使用 gdisk

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo gdisk /dev/sdc
GPT fdisk (gdisk) version 0.8.7

Partition table scan:
  MBR: protective
  BSD: not present
  APM: not present
  GPT: present

Found valid GPT with protective MBR; using GPT.

Command (? for help): x

Expert command (? for help): p
Disk /dev/sdc: 1953525168 sectors, 931.5 GiB
Logical sector size: 512 bytes
Disk identifier (GUID): 38DB39C4-87F0-43AA-BE1E-FB226B221093
Partition table holds up to 128 entries
First usable sector is 34, last usable sector is 1953525134
Partitions will be aligned on 8-sector boundaries
Total free space is 65537 sectors (32.0 MiB)

Number  Start (sector)    End (sector)  Size       Code  Name
   1           65536        42008576   20.0 GiB    FD00  primary
   2        42008584      1953525106   911.5 GiB   0700  primary

Expert command (? for help): o

Disk size is 1953525168 sectors (931.5 GiB)
MBR disk identifier: 0x00008000
MBR partitions:

Number  Boot  Start Sector   End Sector   Status      Code
   1                     1   1953525167   primary     0xEE

Expert command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-2): 1
Partition GUID code: A19D880F-05FC-4D3B-A006-743F0F84911E (Linux RAID)
Partition unique GUID: 997E0DF2-00C2-469A-A5BB-BDD3CC676B73
First sector: 65536 (at 32.0 MiB)
Last sector: 42008576 (at 20.0 GiB)
Partition size: 41943041 sectors (20.0 GiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'primary'

Expert command (? for help): i
Partition number (1-2): 2
Partition GUID code: EBD0A0A2-B9E5-4433-87C0-68B6B72699C7 (Microsoft basic data)
Partition unique GUID: C76D7285-4231-45CE-87E2-504FF9D8110F
First sector: 42008584 (at 20.0 GiB)
Last sector: 1953525106 (at 931.5 GiB)
Partition size: 1911516523 sectors (911.5 GiB)
Attribute flags: 0000000000000000
Partition name: 'primary'

Expert command (? for help): v

No problems found. 65537 free sectors (32.0 MiB) available in 3
segments, the largest of which is 65502 (32.0 MiB) in size.

我尝试使用几种类型挂载 /dev/sdc2,得到的结果是:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount /dev/sdc2 /media/external/
mount: unknown filesystem type 'linux_raid_member'
ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mount -t ext2 /dev/sdc2 /media/external/
mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc2,
       missing codepage or helper program, or other error
       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try
       dmesg | tail  or so





设法理解了 mount:未知文件系统类型“linux_raid_member”错误消息...继续使用 mdadm(安装方式:sudo apt-get install mdadm 并将 postfix 配置为无配置(如果不需要))

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo mdadm --assemble --scan
mdadm: /dev/md0 has been started with 1 drive.
mdadm: /dev/md/1 has been started with 1 drive.

哦,太好了:磁盘出现在统一中 !!!! 刚刚检查 LVM 是否被安全正确检测到:

ubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo lvdisplay
  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Path                /dev/7ebf5eba_vg/lv28ab8112
  LV Name                lv28ab8112
  VG Name                7ebf5eba_vg
  LV UUID                3Q3uVF-vpxW-RMLG-q8xv-mzir-A9uc-GedWph
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Creation host, time , 
  LV Status              available
  # open                 0
  LV Size                911,48 GiB
  Current LE             233339
  Segments               1
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead sectors     auto
  - currently set to     256
  Block device           252:2

  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Path                /dev/md0_vg/BFDlv
  LV Name                BFDlv
  VG Name                md0_vg
  LV UUID                iab1Sk-DQfk-WlZI-Hb0r-WyUo-LRTn-EuAkR3
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Creation host, time , 
  LV Status              available
  # open                 0
  LV Size                4,00 GiB
  Current LE             1024
  Segments               1
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead sectors     auto
  - currently set to     256
  Block device           252:0

  --- Logical volume ---
  LV Path                /dev/md0_vg/vol1
  LV Name                vol1
  VG Name                md0_vg
  LV UUID                1AQ0Jt-eEEw-S0W6-1uXt-GvKy-kq2f-TyZNXa
  LV Write Access        read/write
  LV Creation host, time , 
  LV Status              available
  # open                 0
  LV Size                16,00 GiB
  Current LE             4095
  Segments               1
  Allocation             inherit
  Read ahead sectors     auto
  - currently set to     256
  Block device           252:1


到目前为止已运行文件复制...新的主题即将出现,因为我现在正试图了解第一个 LV 上发生了什么
