在第二个驱动器上安装并访问加密的 LVM

在第二个驱动器上安装并访问加密的 LVM

在一台机器上,我有一个加密的 LUKS 容器,/dev/sda它围绕着一个 LVM,我可以启动它。在同一台机器上还有第二个驱动器,它有一个加密的 LUKS 容器,它围绕着一个 LVM /dev/sdb(GRUB 目前看不到它)。

理想情况下,我希望看到/dev/sdbNautilus 中的内容,以便我可以复制一些文件。

在启动时使用 Nautilus /dev/sda,如何访问上的加密 LVM/及其内部?/home/dev/sdb



sudo apt-get install cryptsetup            # Installs the tools we need to deal with encrypted partitions
sudo modprobe dm-crypt                      # Inserts a module we need
sudo cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda2 cheer   # Unlocks the partition sda2 and names it cheer
Enter LUKS passphrase: 
key slot 0 unlocked.
Command successful.
# Now that we have unlocked the encryption, it's just dealing with the lvm
sudo apt-get install lvm2  # installs the tools we need
sudo modprobe dm-mod       # inserts a module we need
sudo vgscan                # Scans for all volume groups
  Reading all physical volumes.  This may take a while...
  Found volume group "Ubuntu" using metadata type lvm2
sudo vgchange -a y Ubuntu  # this made the VG Ubuntu active, if you don't give it a volume group as an argument it'll make them all active        
sudo lvscan                # This command lists the logical volumes and their /dev path
  ACTIVE            '/dev/Ubuntu/Root' [15.00 GB] inherit
  ACTIVE            '/dev/Ubuntu/swap' [1.00 GB] inherit
  ACTIVE            '/dev/Ubuntu/home' [215.89 GB] inherit
# Now I mount them to do whatever it is I need to do, if you wanted to run a fsck on them you obviously wouldn't mount them.
sudo mkdir /media/root; sudo mkdir /media/home
sudo mount /dev/Ubuntu/Root /media/root; sudo mount /dev/Ubuntu/home /media/home
# Now to reverse the process and unmount everything
sudo umount /media/root; sudo umount /media/home
sudo rmdir /media/root; sudo rmdir /media/home
sudo vgchange -a n Ubuntu 
sudo cryptsetup luksClose cheer

如果两个 LVM 具有相同的名称,则可以更改名称:

sudo vgdisplay
sudo vgrename oldUUID newName
