ALSA 和 Mednafen:无声

ALSA 和 Mednafen:无声

我在 Linux MInt 17.1 Mate 64 位上的 Mednafen 中听不到声音。相关部分 ~/.mednafen/mednafen.cfg如下:

;Disable speed throttling when sound is disabled.
nothrottle 0

;Automatically save and load save states when a game is closed or loaded, respectively.
autosave 0

;Select sound driver.
sounddriver default

;Select sound output device.
sounddevice default

;Sound volume level, in percent.
soundvol 100

;Enable sound emulation.
sound 1

;If non-zero, specifies the desired period size in microseconds.  Currently only affects OSS and ALSA output.
sound.period_time 0

;Specifies the desired size of the sound buffer, in milliseconds.
soundbufsize 32

;Specifies the sound playback rate, in frames per second("Hz").
 soundrate 48000

从命令行启动 Mednafen 时输出的相关部分是:

Initializing sound...
  Using "ALSA" audio driver with device "default":ALSA Error: snd_pcm_open(&alsa_pcm, id ? id : "hw:0", SND_PCM_STREAM_PLAYBACK, 0) No such file or directory
Error opening a sound device.

我已经安装了 alsa-base,还需要其他东西吗?有什么想法吗?




sounddriver sdl

对我有用的是:Ubuntu 12.04

如果你输入了错误的内容,运行时它会在终端中输出一个选项列表。我的 sounddriver 选项是:also、oss、sdl、jack、dummy
