它与 win7 完美兼容。我将 ubuntu 14.04 LTS 安装到闪存驱动器上。它运行良好,但触摸屏不起作用。
我向 Gate Technologies 询问了新司机,他们给我发送了一个 tar.gz 文件。
Begin to setup the Touchscreen driver.
(I) Extract Touchscreen driver archive to /usr/local/thegate
(I) Copy configuration file to /etc.
(I) Create calib link in /usr/bin.
(I) The /usr/local/thegate/thegate.init has been added in /etc/rc.local.
(I) Check X window version: 6.9.0 ~ 7.2.0
(I) Copy X module: x69/thegate_drv.so to /usr/lib/xorg/modules/input.
cp: `/usr/local/thegate/Module/x69/thegate_drv.so' durumlanamadı: Böyle bir dosya ya da dizin yok
(I) Removed Touchscreen driver archive from /usr/local/thegate.
(I) Searching the X module of touch device.
(E) The driver archive has been removed already.