

通过使用cronjob,我成功地在 Ubuntu 上创建了 mysql 数据库的备份。下面是下面的命令mysqldump.sh

/opt/lampp/bin/./mysqldump -u root database-name | gzip >/db-backup/"mysql_db-$(date +"%Y-%m-%d %T").sql.gz"


* * * * * /db-backup/mysqldump.sh

我的问题是,我不想将 sql 备份文件创建到同一个 ubuntu (IP:。实际上,我需要将 sql 备份文件复制到同一网络中的另一个 ubuntu (IP:

我尝试将cron作业命令更改为,* * * * * /但 sql 备份文件未复制到192.168.2.11/db-backup/



你可以使用将备份文件发送到另一个 Ubuntu rsync,或者scp你可以删除系统上的备份


RSync 有用的选项:

    -r                      --> Recursive
    -b                      --> Backup
    -u                      --> Update (--inplace, --append)
    -d                      --> Transfering dirs without recursive
    -l                      --> Copy symbolics as symbolics
    -p                      --> Preserve permissions 
    -E                      --> Preserve Executability
    -o                      --> Preserve OwenrShip
    -g                      --> Preserve Groups
    -t                      --> Preserve modifition time
    -z                      --> Compress
    -v                      --> Increase verbosity
    -a                      --> Archive mode
    -H                      --> Preserve hard links 
    -e                      --> To run shell command on the remote server
    -e <protocol>           --> Over that protocol (e.g. ssh)
    -h                      --> Human readable
    -P                      --> Show the progress during the progress (SMILE), Same as --progress
    --safe-link             --> Ignore symbolic links that point out of the tree
    --existing              --> Ignore creating new files       
    --ignore-existing       --> Ignore updating existing files
    --remove-source-files   --> Sender remove synced files
    --progress              --> Show the progress during the progress (SMILE)
    --log-file=FILE         --> Sending logs will be stored to FILE
    --include=PATTERN       --> Sync files that have PATTERN filter in themselves
    --exclude=PATTERN       --> Don't sync files that have PATTERN filter in themselves
    --max-size='SomeK'      --> Only send or recieve files less than SomeK


    rsync -t [Pattern (e.g. *.c)] [PurposeMachine]:Path
        Send all file with that pattern in the current dir to purpose machine in the path (if exist only send differences)
        e.g. rsync -t *.c foo:/src

    rsync -avz [Machine]:Path/dir PathHere :    
        Download all files recursivly that are in the dir directory to the PathHere/dir 
        File transfering is archive mode that means Symbolic links, devices, attributes, permissons, ownerships, etc are preseved
        e.g. rsync -avz foo:src/bar /data/tmp

    rsync -avz [Machine]:Path/dir/ PathHere :
        Download all files recursivly that are in the dir directory to the PathHere/ 
        File transfering is archive mode that means Symbolic links, devices, attributes, permissons, ownerships, etc are preseved
        e.g. rsync -avz foo:src/bar/ /data/tmp

    rsync -av NowHere/dir[/] /Dest :

    rsync -av [host]:: /Dest: [OR rsync -av [host]::moudle /Dest]
        All files in remote dir will be transfered  
