TL;DR 路由表中的 UH 标志含义为:
- U:路由已启动
- H:这是到单个主机(而不是网络)的路由
1 RTF_PROTO1 Protocol specific routing flag #1 2 RTF_PROTO2 Protocol specific routing flag #2 3 RTF_PROTO3 Protocol specific routing flag #3 B RTF_BLACKHOLE Just discard pkts (during updates) b RTF_BROADCAST The route represents a broadcast address D RTF_DYNAMIC Created dynamically (by redirect) G RTF_GATEWAY Destination requires forwarding by intermediary H RTF_HOST Host entry (net otherwise) L RTF_LLINFO Valid protocol to link address translation M RTF_MODIFIED Modified dynamically (by redirect) R RTF_REJECT Host or net unreachable S RTF_STATIC Manually added U RTF_UP Route usable X RTF_XRESOLVE External daemon translates proto to link address