我怎样才能让 snappy 列出所有可用的 snap 包?

我怎样才能让 snappy 列出所有可用的 snap 包?

我已经知道“sudo snap find”,但这不会显示所有 snap 包。输出:

 ~ $ sudo snap find
Name                              Version                       Developer            Notes  Summary
ag-mcphail                        1.0.1                         njmcphail            -      The Silver Searcher - mcphail's build and upstream git version
archaeopteryx                     2                             redmar               -      Visualization, Analysis, and Editing of Phylogenetic Trees
balloon-pop                       1.0                           1bsyl                -      balloon popper game & puzzle
blender-tpaw                      2.77a                         tpaw                 -      Blender is the free and open source 3D creation suite.
bubble-pop                        1.0                           1bsyl                -      bubble popper game & puzzle.
cactpot-solver                    1.1                           cyborgcentral        -      A tool for finding the best mini-cactpot card choices
champ                             0.0.1~git                     si-dz0ny             -      Plex 2nd screen player
checkbox-snappy                   0.9~s16                       ce-certification-qa  -      Testing tool for Snappy Ubuntu Core (best installed with --devmode for the moment)
ci-dice                           0.1                           beisner              -      Console dice roller tool for CI pass/fail simulation
cla-check                         0.1                           kyrofa               -      Check if Canonical's Contributor License Agreement has been signed
click-parser                      3.0.5                         bhdouglass           -      Extract data from Ubuntu's click & snap packages
conjure-up                                     adam-stokes          -      Package runtime for conjure-up spells
connect4                          1.0                           1bsyl                -      4 in a Line/Row game
cpustat                           0.01.27-20160726-227-77e2615  cking-kernel-tools   -      periodic cpu utilization statistics
darktable-kyrofa                  2.0.5snap1                    kyrofa               -      Virtual lighttable and darkroom for photographers
dash-shell                        0.5.9                         anthonywong          -      POSIX-compliant shell
deadbeef-vs                       0.7.2-snap1                   vs                   -      The Ultimate Music Player
demo-amd64                        1.1                           woodrow              -      AMD64 generic package
demo-wget                         1.17.1                        woodrow              -      retrieves files from the web
dragonboard                       16.04-0.3                     canonical            -      Dragonbaord support package
dstat-jamiebennett                0.7.3                         jamiebennett         -      Dstat is a versatile replacement for vmstat, iostat, mpstat, netstat and ifstat.
electrum-tpaw                     2.6.4-tpaw3                   tpaw                 -      Lightweight Bitcoin Client
explode-bricks                    1.1                           1bsyl                -      very Simple Bricks game
fiemap                            0.0.1                         cking-kernel-tools   -      file extent dumping tool
freecell-solitaire                1.0                           1bsyl                -      FreeCell Solitaire, card game
game-2048                         1                             dholbach             -      2048 puzzle game
go16-lbo                          1.6.3                         lbo                  -      Go programming language compiler
gtwang-demo                       1.0                           gtwang               -      G.T.Wang demo application.
hello-bluet                       0.1                           bluet                -      Qt Hello World example
hello-gabriell                    0.1                           gabriell             -      Qt Hello World example
hello-sergiusens                  1.0                           sergiusens           -      hello world example
hello-stgraber                    2.10                          stgraber             -      GNU Hello, the "hello world" snap
ipython-example                   5.0.0                         frankban             -      Enhanced interactive Python shell
ivoks-vim                         7.4                           ivoks                -      ivoks's VIM
jtiledownloader                   0.6.1-1                       ogra                 -      Download OSM maps
juju-nskaggs                      2.0-beta13                    nskaggs              -      juju client
kernelscan                        0.0.1                         cking-kernel-tools   -      fast kernel source error message scanner
kt                                1.0                           bjf                  -      Ubuntu Kernel Team Tools
laidout                           0.096.1-2                     ogra                 -      Desktop Publishing
liteide-tpaw                      x30.2-tpaw1                   tpaw                 -      LiteIDE is a simple, open source, cross-platform Go IDE.
livetuner                         0.1                           cyborgcentral        -      a GUI for livestreamer
mahjong-game                      1.0                           1bsyl                -      Mahjong game, a one-player game. Based on SDL2
minesweeper                       1.0                           1bsyl                -      Minesweeper game
miniterm-joc                      1                             jocave               -      pySerial miniterm in a snap
modem-manager                     1.4.0-1                       canonical            -      ModemManager is a service which controls mobile broadband
mongo22                           2.2.7                         niemeyer             -      MongoDB document-oriented database
mongo24                           2.4.14                        niemeyer             -      MongoDB document-oriented database
mongo26                           2.6.12                        niemeyer             -      MongoDB document-oriented database
mongo30                           3.0.12                        niemeyer             -      MongoDB document-oriented database
mongo32                           3.2.7                         niemeyer             -      MongoDB document-oriented database
mongo33                           3.3.9                         niemeyer             -      MongoDB document-oriented database
mup-accounts                      2016.07.01                    niemeyer             -      mup IRC and Telegram bot - account connection side
mup-plugins                       2016.07.05                    niemeyer             -      mup IRC and Telegram bot - plugins side
neovim-kalikiana                  0.1.4                         kalikiana            -      Vim-fork focused on extensibility and agility.
nethack                           3.4.2-2                       ogra                 -      The popular nethack console adventure
nitrokey-app                      0.4snap1                      nitrokey             -      Nitrokey Application
ntpserver                         0.1                           cargonza             -      ntp server snap app
osddm                                  vs                   -      Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler
overlay                           0.1                           kyrofa               -      Tools for assisting with debugging read-only squashfs snaps via overlayfs
packageproxy                      0.1                           ogra                 -      approx based package proxy running on port 9999
pc                                16.04-0.2                     canonical            -      AMD64 generic package
pc-kernel                         4.4.0-31                      canonical            -      The canonical generic amd64 kernel
podpublish                        20160610+git5ddfa04-1         flexiondotorg        -      A tool for encoding and publishing podcast content and assets
polonium                          v0.5.1                        rgrannell1           -      Polonium is a stateless password manager based on PBKDF2.
qownnotes                         16.08.0                       pbek                 -      Plain-text file notepad with markdown support and ownCloud integration
readtsc                           0.0.1                         cking-kernel-tools   -      Intel x86 Time Stamp Counter read
reversu                           1.0                           1bsyl                -      ReversU is strategy board game with black & white tokens
robomongo                         0.9.0-rc9                     frankban             -      MongoDB management tool
rpgdiceroller                     1.7                           quality-mix          -      A dice roller with simple GUI
rpgen                             v0.1.0                        rgrannell1           -      compile multiple scripts into a single cloud-init friendly script
serial-vault                      0.7                           james                -      Serial Vault Service
simple-cprov                      0.4                           cprov                -      This is a test snap
snapstore-example                 0.3                           noise                -      Minimalist example snap store
so-hello-world                    0.2                           shadowen             -      the old classic
solitaire                         1.0                           1bsyl                -      usual Solitaire card game, as known as Patience or Klondike
speed-test                                     bartaz               -      Test your internet connection speed and ping using speedtest.net from the CLI
spider-solitaire                  1.0                           1bsyl                -      Spider Solitaire card game
sudoku-game                       1.0                           1bsyl                -      Sudoku 9x9 game
taskwarrior-plars                 2.5.1-1                       pwlars               -      feature-rich console based todo list manager
teatime                           16.07                         paroj                -      Simple egg timer application for the Unity Desktop
test-snapd-cups-control-consumer  1.0                           canonical            -      Basic cups-control consumer snap
test-snapd-fuse-consumer          1.0                           canonical            -      Basic fuse consumer snap
test-snapd-tools                  1.0                           canonical            -      Tools for testing the snapd application
tftp-hpa-jhobbs                   0                             jason-hobbs          -      Trivial File Transfer Protocol Client
torgo                             1.3.0                         tros                 -      A Logo interpreter written in Java.
tuxguitar-vs                      1.3.2-snap2                   vs                   -      TuxGuitar
u1test20160725                    1.0                           u1test20160720       -      Simple dd like tool
u1test20160920                    0.1                           u1test201607192      -      Summary of the most simple snap
uappexplorer-cli                  1.0.0                         bhdouglass           -      Browse uApp Explorer right for the command line!
uname-a                           1.0                           hungnhp              -      The test "uname -a" snap
unofficial-hexchat                2.12.1                        diddledan            -      HexChat IRC Client
upnp-server                       0.1.0                         ogra                 -      upload files with WebDAV and serve them via DLNA/UPnP
vlc                               daily                         videolan             -      The ultimate media player
vuze-vs                                  vs                   -      Vuze is a powerful, open source, bittorrent client.
wallpaperdownloader               2.0                           egarcia              -      Download and manage your favorite wallpapers from the Internet
x86latency-test                   0.0.1                         cking-kernel-tools   -      Intel x86 kernel timer latency test
x86rdrand-benchmark               0.0.1                         cking-kernel-tools   -      Intel x86 rdrand CPU benchmark
xcape-lbo                         7fca364                       lbo                  -      Modify keys to act as other keys
xkcdpass-codersquid               0.1                           codersquid           -      Generate secure multiword passwords/passphrases, inspired by XKCD
xlsx                              git                           tealeg               -      Convert microsoft XLSX files into CSV files.


  1. 我可以安装一个名为“libreoffice”的 snap 包,但它没有被这个命令列出:“sudo snap find”

  2. 有一个名为“telegram-sergiusens”的包也可以安装,但未列出。



请注意,sudo 不是必需的,没有它snap findsnap install可以正常工作。

snap find仅显示稳定频道中的推广和公开快照。通过以这种方式策划快照,用户可以在使用时期待一定程度的质量snap find来发现应用程序。


$ snap install uappexplorer-cli
$ uappexplorer-cli --type snap
│ App                │ Description               │ Type          │ ❤    │ ★    │
│ test-snapd-cups-c… │ A basic snap declaring a… │ Snap          │ 0    │ 0    │
│ test-snapd-fuse-c… │ A basic snap declaring a… │ Snap          │ 0    │ 0    │
│ lcavassa-iperf     │ A TCP, UDP, and SCTP net… │ Snap          │ 0    │ 0    │
│ deadbeef-vs        │ The Ultimate Music Playe… │ Snap          │ 0    │ 0    │


  1. 安装SnapWeb这是一个“美观且实用的快照管理界面”

    sudo snap install snapweb
  2. http://本地主机:4200使用您选择的浏览器。



虽然没有记录,但文件中保存了一个 snap 包列表/var/cache/snapd/names(它包含稳定频道中所有已知的 snap 包根据艾伦·波普的说法)。您可以手动检查该文件以查看有哪些 snap 可用,如果您愿意错过一些在稳定频道中不可用的 snap 以及默认 snap 商店中没有的 snap。

我认为您也可以通过向 发送请求来直接查询商店https://api.snapcraft.io/api/v1/snaps/names,但不清楚所需标头的正确值是什么,并且它的速率受到严格限制。此外,它似乎无论如何都会返回可用名称的严格子集/var/cache/snapd/names,因此您最好只查看该文件。


  1. 使用 Zsh 并输入以下命令,然后按 Tab 键 (⇥)
  2. 回答“是”

您将看到所有可用的 snap 包(我认为)

%sudo snap 安装Tab 键 (⇥)

zsh:您希望查看全部 4305 种可能性(861 行)吗?

^C 或选择其中一个您想要安装...

查看所有以“a”开头的 snap 包

%sudo snap安装aTab 键 (⇥)

zsh:您希望查看全部 200 种可能性(40 行)吗?

Zsh 很棒!
