定位 arch linux 可执行文件的源文件

定位 arch linux 可执行文件的源文件

是否有一种简单的方法来检索构建给定/usr/bin/*命令的源文件(也意味着通过 AUR 放置在那里的源文件)?我是否可以通过一个pacman包装器发出一个命令来为我检索这些文件,或者我是否必须通过谷歌搜索到 git 页面或维护者页面?

根据问题,我正在寻找类似于apt-get source基于 debian 的发行版的命令。同样,根据问题,asp(以前abs)具有核心包的此功能的基础asp export,但不扩展到从 AUR 构建的那些。

我想开始为社区做出贡献,简化检查 AUR 源文件的过程将大有帮助,帮助我选择适合我的技能水平和专业知识的软件包,因为我之前可能会这样做数十次甚至数百次找到一个既需要我的帮助又我有兴趣/有能力提供帮助的软件包。



Arch 构建系统是一个类似端口的系统,用于从源代码构建和打包软件。虽然 pacman 是用于二进制包管理(包括使用 ABS 构建的包)的专用 Arch 工具,但 ABS 是用于将源代码编译为可安装的 .pkg.tar.xz 包的工具集合。

正如您所注意到的,这仅适用于官方存储库中的软件包。对于 AUR 中的包,不需要特定的工具,因为 AUR 不托管二进制文件,因此您只需获取必要的构建文件 ( git clone),然后在使用 构建之前检查或修改 PKGBUILD makepkg


~ $ pacman -Qi $(pacman -Qoq $(which ssh-add))
Name            : openssh
Version         : 8.9p1-1
Description     : Premier connectivity tool for remote login with the SSH protocol
Architecture    : x86_64
URL             : https://www.openssh.com/portable.html
Licenses        : custom:BSD
Groups          : None
Provides        : None
Depends On      : glibc  krb5  openssl  libedit  ldns  libxcrypt  libcrypt.so=2-64  zlib  pam
Optional Deps   : xorg-xauth: X11 forwarding [installed]
                  x11-ssh-askpass: input passphrase in X [installed]
                  libfido2: FIDO/U2F support
Required By     : gcr  gnome-keyring  openmpi
Optional For    : None
Conflicts With  : None
Replaces        : None
Installed Size  : 4.18 MiB
Packager        : Giancarlo Razzolini <[email protected]>
Build Date      : Wed 23 Feb 2022 18:48:29 GMT
Install Date    : Sun 27 Feb 2022 18:14:02 GMT
Install Reason  : Explicitly installed
Install Script  : Yes
Validated By    : Signature

man pacman

       -Q, --query
           Query the package database. This operation
           allows you to view installed packages and
           their files, as well as meta-information about
           individual packages (dependencies, conflicts,
           install date, build date, size). This can be
           run against the local package database or can
           be used on individual package files. In the
           first case, if no package names are provided
           in the command line, all installed packages
           will be queried. Additionally, various filters
           can be applied on the package list. See Query
           Options below.
       -i, --info
           Display information on a given package. The -p
           option can be used if querying a package file
           instead of the local database. Passing two
           --info or -i flags will also display the list
           of backup files and their modification states.

       -o, --owns <file>
           Search for packages that own the specified
           file(s). The path can be relative or absolute,
           and one or more files can be specified.
       -q, --quiet
           Show less information for certain query
           operations. This is useful when pacman’s
           output is processed in a script. Search will
           only show package names and not version,
           group, and description information; owns will
           only show package names instead of "file is
           owned by pkg" messages; group will only show
           package names and omit group names; list will
           only show files and omit package names; check
           will only show pairs of package names and
           missing files; a bare query will only show
           package names rather than names and versions.
