libimobiledevice 问题

libimobiledevice 问题

尝试使用 USB 线连接 Kubuntu 16.04 盒子,连接运行 iOS 10.0.2 的 iPad Pro 12.9

:~$ /usr/bin/idevicepair -u ***** pair
SUCCESS: Paired with device

:~$ idevicepair validate *********
SUCCESS: Validated pairing with device

:~$ ifuse ~/media/ipad -u ******
GnuTLS error: Error in the pull function.
Failed to connect to lockdownd service on the device.
Try again. If it still fails try rebooting your device.



抱歉 Rinzwind,我并不是想戏弄任何人。无论如何,以下是根据您的建议得到的结果。我不确定如何检查 openssl 是否使用 SSLv3(帮忙?)

$ env | grep 99

$ /usr/bin/idevicepair validate
gnutls[2]: Enabled GnuTLS 3.4.10 logging...
gnutls[2]: Intel SSSE3 was detected
gnutls[2]: Intel AES accelerator was detected
gnutls[2]: Intel GCM accelerator was detected
SUCCESS: Validated pairing with device ***********

(下面安装到 /media/ipad 而不是 ~/media/ipad .....)

$ ifuse /media/ipad -u **********
gnutls[2]: Enabled GnuTLS 3.4.10 logging...
gnutls[2]: Intel SSSE3 was detected
gnutls[2]: Intel AES accelerator was detected
gnutls[2]: Intel GCM accelerator was detected
gnutls[5]: REC[0x19d7300]: Allocating epoch #0
gnutls[3]: ASSERT: gnutls_constate.c:596
gnutls[5]: REC[0x19d7300]: Allocating epoch #1
gnutls[4]: HSK[0x19d7300]: Keeping ciphersuite: GNUTLS_RSA_AES_128_CBC_SHA1 (00.2F)
gnutls[4]: HSK[0x19d7300]: Keeping ciphersuite: GNUTLS_RSA_AES_256_CBC_SHA1 (00.35)
gnutls[4]: EXT[0x19d7300]: Sending extension ENCRYPT THEN MAC (0 bytes)
gnutls[4]: EXT[0x19d7300]: Sending extension SAFE RENEGOTIATION (1 bytes)
gnutls[4]: EXT[0x19d7300]: Sending extension SESSION TICKET (0 bytes)
gnutls[4]: HSK[0x19d7300]: CLIENT HELLO was queued [62 bytes]
gnutls[11]: HWRITE: enqueued [CLIENT HELLO] 62. Total 62 bytes.
gnutls[11]: HWRITE FLUSH: 62 bytes in buffer.
gnutls[5]: REC[0x19d7300]: Preparing Packet Handshake(22) with length: 62 and min pad: 0
gnutls[9]: ENC[0x19d7300]: cipher: NULL, MAC: MAC-NULL, Epoch: 0
gnutls[11]: WRITE: enqueued 67 bytes for 0x19dac30. Total 67 bytes.
gnutls[5]: REC[0x19d7300]: Sent Packet[1] Handshake(22) in epoch 0 and length: 67
gnutls[11]: HWRITE: wrote 1 bytes, 0 bytes left.
gnutls[11]: WRITE FLUSH: 67 bytes in buffer.
gnutls[11]: WRITE: wrote 67 bytes, 0 bytes left.
gnutls[3]: ASSERT: gnutls_buffers.c:1154
gnutls[10]: READ: -2 returned from 0x19dac30, errno=0 gerrno=0
gnutls[3]: ASSERT: gnutls_buffers.c:367
gnutls[3]: ASSERT: gnutls_buffers.c:588
gnutls[3]: ASSERT: gnutls_record.c:1038
gnutls[3]: ASSERT: gnutls_record.c:1158
gnutls[3]: ASSERT: gnutls_buffers.c:1409
gnutls[3]: ASSERT: gnutls_handshake.c:1446
gnutls[3]: ASSERT: gnutls_handshake.c:2757
gnutls[5]: REC[0x19d7300]: Start of epoch cleanup
gnutls[5]: REC[0x19d7300]: End of epoch cleanup
gnutls[5]: REC[0x19d7300]: Epoch #0 freed
gnutls[5]: REC[0x19d7300]: Epoch #1 freed
GnuTLS error: Error in the pull function.
Failed to connect to lockdownd service on the device.
Try again. If it still fails try rebooting your device.


尝试遵循 PPA,它对我有用(感谢马丁·萨尔巴巴)、

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:martin-salbaba/ppa+libimobiledevice
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install libimobiledevice-utils ifuse


将您的 iOS 10 设备连接到计算机:

idevicepair pair


idevicepair pair

挂载 iOS 文件系统

ifuse Directory_to_mount_iDevice/

以上测试是在搭载 iOS 10.1.1 的 iPhone 6s 上进行的


fusemount -u Directory_to_mount_iDevice/


如何在 Ubuntu 16.04 上安装我的 iPhone 6s?


看来 iOS 10.2 苹果又把它搞坏了。修复方法:

  1. 从 GitHub 下载最新版本:libplist、libusbmuxd、libimobiledevice、ifuse 和 usbmuxd

  2. 把它们放进去在 /usr/local/lib 中并编译(如果你不知道怎么做,只需按照每个库中的自述文件中的说明进行操作,并记住开发版本的openssl叫做libssl-dev在需要的时候)

  3. 确保环境变量指向新版本而不是官方软件包中包含的旧版本:

    sudo LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib usbmuxd  
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/lib
  4. 将您的 iOS 10.2 设备连接到计算机:

    idevicepair pair
  5. 对于设备上的“信任这台电脑吗?”警告,请选择“信任”:

    idevicepair pair
  6. 挂载 iOS 文件系统

    ifuse Mountpoint_Directory/

在 Ubuntu 16.04 和搭载 iOS 10.2 的 iPhone 7 上进行了测试


GnuTLS 错误:拉取功能出错。

是网络错误。您可以设置GNUTLS_DEBUG_LEVEL到 99 以获取有关错误的更多信息。它可能会告诉您您使用的库比要求的要旧,或者 openssl 有问题。

但 ...

如果使用〜/媒体/ iPad的-u

我觉得不对劲?为什么 /media 前面有个 ~?我猜你是在 /media 而不是家里安装设备吧?

另外,请确保您不要使用没有 SSLv3 的 openssl,否则它将失败并出现 closedd 服务错误通知。
