Apatar 在注册期间无法正常工作

Apatar 在注册期间无法正常工作

从其官方下载软件包后http://apatar.com/downloads.html (适用于 Linux).我们发现文件如下:

apatar 文件

$ cat README.txt

1. Unpack the "apatar_<number_version>.tar.gz" archive into any directory (<apatar_folder>);
2. Change system parameters for all files with ".sh" extension in <apatar_folder> directory (for example, run this command from consol: #chmod 777 application.sh);
3. To start using Apatar, run any file which has the ".sh" extension. If you would like to run Apatar as a regular application (default), you need to startup the "application.sh" file. If you would like to run Apatar as a scheduling application (scheduling), you need to startup the "scheduling.sh" file (for example, #./application.sh).

$ chmod +x application.sh
$ ./application.sh


出现了 apatar 窗口,我尝试创建一个新用户,但仍然无法正常工作,为什么?

我也尝试过在注册http://apatar.com/your-details/register,并使用该帐户登录 apatar 说“您的用户名和密码不匹配”。如果我关闭预约注册,所有窗户也都关闭了。


首先:在这里注册您的新帐户: http://www.apatarforge.org/datamaps/registers.html

