我的 GParted 调整大小卡住了吗?

我的 GParted 调整大小卡住了吗?

我目前正在对 Windows 分区进行 GParted 大小调整,以便可以创建第二个分区来安装 Ubuntu。驱动器是 512GB NVMe SSD。

GParted 的收缩进度条已经有一段时间没有移动了;这个过程已经运行了大约 2 个小时,大约 30 分钟没有移动。它似乎仍然在重新定位所需数据阶段,我承认这可能需要一段时间,因为驱动器已经满了,但在 39.63% 上似乎需要一段时间。

我正在 Ubuntu 16.04 Live USB 上运行 GParted。

这是我的 GParted 操作窗口:


我该怎么办?有没有办法获得更深入的进度报告,以表明 GParted 是否已冻结?


我搞清楚了如何安装iotop,所以我现在可以看到它ntfsresize似乎正在执行 IO,这让人放心。我只需要耐心等待。



它卡住了。即使放置了大约 17 个小时,也没有进度更新或任何其他变化,尽管ntfsresize根据 IO 几乎 100% 运行iotop。强制取消甚至不起作用 - 我不得不kill

重新启动后,Windows 实际上启动正常(这让我很惊讶),而且我的文件看起来完好无损,但却chkdsk标记出了很多错误:

Stage 1: Examining basic file system structure ...
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment 2B0
is corrupt.
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment 771
is corrupt.
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment 809
is corrupt.
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment 826
is corrupt.
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment 835
is corrupt.
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment AC8
is corrupt.
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment BD6
is corrupt.
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment 14E1
is corrupt.
The total allocated size in attribute record (80, "")
of file 130000000018F5 is incorrect.
Deleted corrupt attribute list entry
with type code 80 in file 18F5.
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment 22FB2
is corrupt.
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment 22FBF
is corrupt.
Attribute record (80, "") from file record segment 22FD0
... and many more
