在 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 及以上版本中也suspend-then-hibernate有类似的操作

在 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 及以上版本中也suspend-then-hibernate有类似的操作

在 Mac OS 上,当您合上盖子时,笔记本电脑会挂起到 RAM,当其休眠一段时间(可配置)后,它将进入休眠状态。这通常是件好事,因为您可以获得挂起的快速睡眠/唤醒优势以及休眠的省电优势。

Ubuntu 有类似的东西吗?

[我目前正在使用 Kubuntu 18.04 并且很喜欢它,尽管在我的 XPS 9560 上甚至暂停功能似乎都无法正常工作,但我想这是另一个问题]


在 Ubuntu 18.04 LTS 及以上版本中也suspend-then-hibernate有类似的操作

在此模式下,当盖子关闭或按下按钮时,笔记本电脑会休眠或挂起到 RAM。经过预先设定的一定时间后,笔记本电脑将唤醒并将 RAM 中的数据写入磁盘,然后进入休眠模式。


在 Ubuntu 17.10 及以下版本hybrid-sleep

在此模式下,RAM 中的数据在笔记本电脑进入睡眠(也称为挂起)模式之前写入磁盘以进行休眠。如果电池在睡眠期间电量极低,笔记本电脑会在关闭电源之前进入休眠状态,因此 RAM 中的数据不会丢失。



来自 Ubuntu 手册页systemd 省电模式

systemd 支持四种通用的省电模式:

    a low-power state where execution of the OS is paused, and complete power loss might
    result in lost data, and which is fast to enter and exit. This corresponds to suspend,
    standby, or freeze states as understood by the kernel.

    a low-power state where execution of the OS is paused, and complete power loss does
    not result in lost data, and which might be slow to enter and exit. This corresponds
    to the hibernation as understood by the kernel.

    a low-power state where execution of the OS is paused, which might be slow to enter,
    and on complete power loss does not result in lost data but might be slower to exit in
    that case. This mode is called suspend-to-both by the kernel.

    A low power state where the system is initially suspended (the state is stored in
    RAM). If not interrupted within the delay specified by HibernateDelaySec=, the system
    will be woken using an RTC alarm and hibernated (the state is then stored on disk).

Settings in these files determine what strings will be written to /sys/power/disk and
/sys/power/state by systemd-sleep(8) when systemd(1) attempts to suspend or hibernate the

看到这个回答如果您想在 Ubuntu 笔记本电脑中启用suspend-then-hibernate或。hybrid-sleep

