注意:最近我决定第一次通过 Kubuntu 18.04 尝试 KDE Plasma DE,所以我对 KDE Plasma DE 还不熟悉。
Plasma Vault 默认使用 CryFS。您可以按照以下说明通过命令行访问 CryFS 目录这里。通过命令行挂载时收到的错误消息:
fuse: mountpoint is not empty
表示挂载点不为空 ;-)。该文件可能是由 dolphin 创建的,可以安全删除。删除该文件并重试。
虽然我有点惊慌,但事实证明 PlasmaVault GUI(Kubuntu 20.04.01)无法处理 CryFS 界面的一些复杂性。从命令行我能够解决这个问题:
~/Vaults$ cryfs ~/.local/share/plasma-vault/Personal.enc/ Personal/
CryFS Version 0.10.2
Deriving encryption key (this can take some time)...done
The filesystem id in the config file is different to the last time we loaded a filesystem from this basedir. This can be genuine if you replaced the filesystem with a different one. If you didn't do that, it is possible that an attacker did. Do you want to continue loading the file system?
Your choice [y/n]: y
Migrating file system for integrity features. This can take a while... 1%[2021-02-28 09:49:17.441] [Log] [warning] Block not found, but was returned from forEachBlock before
Migrating file system for integrity features. This can take a while... 35%[2021-02-28 09:49:17.861] [Log] [warning] Block not found, but was returned from forEachBlock before
Migrating file system for integrity features. This can take a while... 65%[2021-02-28 09:49:18.239] [Log] [warning] Block not found, but was returned from forEachBlock before
Migrating file system for integrity features. This can take a while... 100%
Migrating file system for conflict resolution features. This can take a while... 99%
Mounting filesystem. To unmount, call:
$ cryfs-unmount "/home/me/Vaults/Personal/"
我不确定这些“未找到块”警告是怎么回事,但文件似乎完好无损。卸载后,GUI 安装方法似乎工作正常。
总结:只需从 ~/Vaults 中的 Vault 目录中删除多余的文件即可
我也遇到了同样的问题。我的 Dolphin 选项启用了“显示隐藏文件”,因此当我用它浏览 Vault 目录时,它会创建一个名为“.directory”的文件,其中包含一些属性标志。
这使得 Vault 目录“非空”。因此,当您尝试使用 Vault 重新安装它时,它们会放弃 - 不会向您显示任何信息(实际上,使用 cryfs 安装目录时,它会给出以下错误“fuse:安装点不为空”)。
顺便说一句,网上每个人都说你的 .enc 文件在 ~/.vaults/ 中,但我的 Kubuntu 18.10 并非如此。.enc 文件的位置在 ~/.local/share/plasma-vault/
我正在向 KDE 提交一个错误,我将要求他们实施 Vaults,以显示有关未成功安装 Vault 的某种警告或消息。错误报告这里,请加入我。