ntfs-3g.usermap 在 16.04 上失败,并显示“您未定义任何用户”

ntfs-3g.usermap 在 16.04 上失败,并显示“您未定义任何用户”

ntfs-3g.usermap命令在 NTFS 磁盘上似乎不起作用:

$ lsblk -no name,fstype | grep sdb1
└─sdb1                  ntfs
$ umount /dev/sdb1
$ mount | grep sdb1
$ sudo ntfs-3g.usermap /dev/sdb1

This tool will help you to build a mapping of Windows users
to Linux users.
Be prepared to give Linux user id (uid) and group id (gid)
for owners of files which will be selected.
"/dev/sdb1" opened

* Scanning "/dev/sdb1" (two levels)
* Search for "Documents and Settings" and "Users"
* Search for other directories /

   in directory "/"
   file "Autorun.inf" has no mapped group
By which Linux login should this file be owned ?
Enter gid of login, or just press "enter" if this file
does not belong to a user, or you do not known to whom

Group : 
"/dev/sdb1" closed

You have defined no user, no mapping can be built

$ ls UserMap*
ls: cannot access 'UserMap*': No such file or directory

无论我只是按下提示,还是键入某些特定的用户名然后按,结果都是<Enter>相同Group :<Enter>



最后,我确实在磁盘上写入了一个虚拟的 UserMapping 文件并重新挂载了它,这似乎通过启用驱动器上的权限有所帮助。不过,这更像是解决方法;我仍然好奇什么是正确的解决方案对于原始问题。


$ mkdir /media/akavel/Maxtor/.NTFS-3G
$ echo '::S-1-5-21-3333333333-222222222-111111111-10000' > /media/akavel/Maxtor/.NTFS-3G/UserMapping
$ umount /dev/sdb1
$ # click in File Explorer to mount automatically again
