获取错误“错误的 fs 类型、错误的选项、错误的超级块、缺少代码页或辅助程序或其他错误。”

获取错误“错误的 fs 类型、错误的选项、错误的超级块、缺少代码页或辅助程序或其他错误。”


sudo mount -t hugetlbfs -o pagesize=1G none /mnt/huge


mount: /mnt/huge: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on none, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.

我已经运行了apt install nfs-common,但仍然出现同样的错误。


# apt install nfs-common
Reading package lists... Done
Building dependency tree       
Reading state information... Done
nfs-common is already the newest version (1:1.3.4-2.1ubuntu5).
The following package was automatically installed and is no longer required:
Use 'sudo apt autoremove' to remove it.
0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 240 not upgraded.
# ls -l /sbin/mount.cifs
-rwsr-xr-x 1 root root 35600 Mar 29  2018 /sbin/mount.cifs
# dpkg -l cifs-utils
| Status=Not/Inst/Conf-files/Unpacked/halF-conf/Half-inst/trig-aWait/Trig-pend
|/ Err?=(none)/Reinst-required (Status,Err: uppercase=bad)
||/ Name                          Version             Architecture        Description
ii  cifs-utils                    2:6.8-1             amd64               Common Internet File System utilities
# sudo mount -t hugetlbfs -o pagesize=1G none /mnt/huge
mount: /mnt/huge: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on none, missing codepage or helper program, or other error.


您需要确保 hugelbfs 页面可用。请查看此处:http://pages.cs.wisc.edu/~nhall/shore-mt/onlinedoc/hugetlbfs.html
