我想使用命令行程序将电子邮件文本包装为 72 个字符(以便重新格式化可以与 集成vim
超过 72 个字符的行以及短于 72 个字符并以空格结尾的行都应该换行。不以空格结尾的行应该单独保留,以便您可以编写类似的内容
Best wishes,
(之后没有空格Best wishes,
This is an example text file that I would like to reformat using par. I would like this paragraph wrapped to 72 characters because at the moment it's just one long line of text.
> This paragraph should also be wrapped
> to 72 characters because each line
> except the last ends with a space.
> The quotes should be handled nicely.
These lines shouldn't be wrapped
because they are shorter than 72 chars
and don't have any trailing spaces.
par w72q
This is an example text file that I would like to reformat using par. I
would like this paragraph wrapped to 72 characters because at the moment
it's just one long line of text.
> This paragraph should also be wrapped to 72 characters because each
> line except the last ends with a space. The quotes should be handled
> nicely.
These lines shouldn't be wrapped because they are shorter than 72 chars
and don't have any trailing spaces.
Vim 实际上可以很好地处理这个问题,而无需求助于其他程序。以下选项很有用:
setlocal comments=n:>
setlocal formatoptions+=aw
setlocal textwidth=72
请参阅:help format-comments
和:help fo-table