Chromium 无法在 Ubuntu 18.04 上启动 - 不支持以 root 身份运行而不使用 --no-sandbox

Chromium 无法在 Ubuntu 18.04 上启动 - 不支持以 root 身份运行而不使用 --no-sandbox

我使用的是 32 位操作系统的 Ubuntu 18.04。使用 apt-get 安装 Chromium 浏览器(不知道这是否相关)。Chromium 版本 73.0.3683.86。

当我尝试在没有 sudo 的情况下启动 chromium-browser 时,出现一大堆权限错误。

[4945:4961:0518/] Unable to move cache folder /home/matti/.config/chromium/ShaderCache/GPUCache to /home/matti/.config/chromium/ShaderCache/old_GPUCache_000
[4945:4961:0518/] Unable to create cache
[4945:4961:0518/] Shader Cache Creation failed: -2
[4945:4961:0518/] Unable to move cache folder /home/matti/.config/chromium/ShaderCache/GPUCache to /home/matti/.config/chromium/ShaderCache/old_GPUCache_000
[4945:4961:0518/] Unable to create cache
[4945:4961:0518/] Shader Cache Creation failed: -2
[4945:4945:0518/] readlink failed: Permission denied (13)
[4945:4945:0518/] readlink(/home/matti/.config/chromium/SingletonLock) failed: Permission denied (13)
[4945:4945:0518/] readlink(/home/matti/.config/chromium/SingletonLock) failed: Permission denied (13)
[4945:4945:0518/] Failed to create /home/matti/.config/chromium/SingletonLock: Permission denied (13)
[4945:4945:0518/] readlink failed: Permission denied (13)
[4945:4945:0518/] readlink(/home/matti/.config/chromium/SingletonLock) failed: Permission denied (13)
[4945:4945:0518/] Failed to create a ProcessSingleton for your profile directory. This means that running multiple instances would start multiple browser processes rather than opening a new window in the existing process. Aborting now to avoid profile corruption.

然后,使用 sudo 运行我得到以下结果:

[5087:5087:0518/] Running as root without --no-sandbox is not supported. See


不用说,我无法从应用程序菜单启动浏览器,而这正是我想要的。该怎么做才能解决这个问题?还有人能在 32 位操作系统的 Ubuntu 18.04 上使用 Chromium 吗?
