The file will be called saxon-he-10.0.jar for Saxon Home Edition, saxon-pe-10.0.jar for the Professional Edition, or saxon-ee-10.0.jar for the Enterprise Edition (where the "10.0" in the name will change to "10.1", "10.2", etc. in subsequent maintenance releases):
从 6.x 到 10.x 似乎是一个相当大的飞跃,那么我假设有办法安装更新的版本是否错误apt
nicholas@mordor:~/xml$ snap find saxon
Name Version Publisher Notes Summary
libxslt 1.1.33+pkg-213d brlin - XSLT C library developed for the GNOME project
nicholas@mordor:~/xml$ snap info libxslt
name: libxslt
summary: XSLT C library developed for the GNOME project
publisher: 林博仁(Buo-ren, Lin) (brlin)
store-url: https://snapcraft.io/libxslt
contact: https://github.com/Lin-Buo-Ren/libxslt-snap/issues
license: MIT
description: |
Libxslt is the XSLT C library developed for the GNOME project. XSLT itself is a an XML language to
define transformation for XML. Libxslt is based on libxml2 the XML C library developed for the
GNOME project. It also implements most of the EXSLT set of processor-portable extensions functions
and some of Saxon's evaluate and expressions extensions.
People can either embed the library in their application or use xsltproc the command line
processing tool. This library is free software and can be reused in commercial applications.
This is NOT an official distribution of libxslt, for any issue regarding using this snap please
refer to the issue tracker:
snap-id: AZt5N0Bbo3oTTGDSg6F1pcfybcSzChps
latest/stable: 1.1.33+pkg-213d 2019-07-20 (67) 10MB -
latest/candidate: ↑
latest/beta: ↑
latest/edge: 1.1.33-49-g15edbe4+pkg-01d2 2019-07-20 (73) 10MB -
显然,版本 10 可以手动下载,但从 v6 到 v10 的延迟又相当大。因此才有这个问题。
您是在寻找 Saxon/C 还是 Saxon/J?
在 Java 上,大多数有此要求的人都使用开源版本的 Maven。由于担心许可问题,我们目前没有在商业产品上发布 Maven,但我们计划改变这种情况。
对于 Saxon/C,目前是手动安装。同样,我们正在尝试提高产品的可安装性,但由于存在大量不同的平台组合,因此安装过程更加复杂。
我不确定 libxslt 的相关性。