无法让 touchegg 在 KDE 上运行

无法让 touchegg 在 KDE 上运行

我在 KDE 上进行了全新安装,刚刚安装了 touchegg,但似乎无法让它工作。我按照安装说明复制了默认配置文件,但即使重新启动后也没有任何反应。我尝试使用 --daemon 标志对其进行调试,但出现以下错误:

$ touchegg --daemon
Touchégg v2.0.5.
Usage: touchegg [--daemon [start_threshold finish_threshold]] [--client]

Multi-touch gesture recognizer.
Touchégg is an app that runs in the background and transform the gestures you make on your touchpad into visible actions in your desktop.
For more information please visit:

Option          Meaning
 --daemon       Run Touchégg in daemon mode. This mode starts a service that gathers gestures but executes no actions
 --client       Connect to an existing Touchégg daemon and execute actions in your desktop
Without arguments Touchégg starts in client mode

Starting Touchégg in daemon mode
Starting daemon server...
Server started
A list of detected compatible devices will be displayed below:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
  what():  Error initialising Touchégg: libinput open.
Touchégg should be run in daemon mode by systemd in order to be part of the 'input' group and have access to your touchpad.
If you prefer to run Touchégg without using systemd, please execute the following command:
$ sudo usermod -a -G input $USER
And reboot to solve this issue
Aborted (core dumped)


$ touchegg
Touchégg v2.0.5.
Usage: touchegg [--daemon [start_threshold finish_threshold]] [--client]

Multi-touch gesture recognizer.
Touchégg is an app that runs in the background and transform the gestures you make on your touchpad into visible actions in your desktop.
For more information please visit:

Option          Meaning
 --daemon       Run Touchégg in daemon mode. This mode starts a service that gathers gestures but executes no actions
 --client       Connect to an existing Touchégg daemon and execute actions in your desktop
Without arguments Touchégg starts in client mode

Starting Touchégg in client mode
Parsing you configuration file...
Using configuration file "/home/barzi/.config/touchegg/touchegg.conf"
Configuration parsed successfully
Connecting to Touchégg daemon...
Connection with Touchégg daemon lost. Reconnecting in 5 seconds...
Connection with Touchégg daemon lost. Reconnecting in 5 seconds...

