Ubuntu 20.04 上的内置扬声器和麦克风无法正常工作

Ubuntu 20.04 上的内置扬声器和麦克风无法正常工作

因此,从今天早上开始,我的 Ubuntu 20.04 上的内置麦克风和扬声器以及耳机扬声器和麦克风已停止工作。我有一台华硕 Zenbook。我有一个双启动安装(Ubuntu 和 Windows),麦克风和扬声器在 Windows 上运行良好,所以我认为硬件没有问题。
在 Ubuntu 上,我通过 HDMI 将带扬声器的显示器连接到笔记本电脑,声音在显示器上播放正常。笔记本电脑的内置扬声器仍然不工作。我尝试删除和清除 alsa 和 pulseaudio 并重新安装它们几次,但没有任何变化。
我检查了 alsa 混音器,一切似乎都很好:
Alsa Mixer 在此处输入图片描述


我建议不要使用 ALSA,只使用 Pulse 音频音量控制 (pavucontrol)。您必须在 Ubuntu 20.04LTS 上安装它。信息来自了解 Linux 上的音频工作原理

pavucontrol 是一个由五个选项卡组成的动态面板:

Configuration: activates sound cards and defines the usage profile. On my desktop machine, for instance, I generally have HDMI de-activated and my built-in analog card on and set to Stereo Duplex. You won't often use this panel; it's mostly something you set once and forget about.

Input Devices: currently available input devices (anything capable of making sound). These usually consist of a microphone (very common on laptops, which usually have a built-in mic for the webcam), a line-in, and a "monitor" device for whatever is currently playing on your system (more on that later).

Output Devices: currently available output targets, such as desktop speakers and headphones (plugged into Line Out ports), and USB headsets.

Recording: currently active recording sessions. This might be a web browser looking for sound input for a video chat session, or it might be a recording application like Audacity. If it's got a socket open for sound, it's here.

Playback: currently active sounds streams being played. If it's meant to be heard, then it's here.


事实证明,Windows 有时会在声音设备上设置标志。我最近使用了 Windows,因此设置了某种标志,Ubuntu 无法再使用声音系统。我重新登录 Windows,删除并重新安装声音驱动程序,问题就解决了!
