使用 Ubuntu 22.04 设置 Linux From Scratch 时,如何授予 lfs 对所有目录的完全访问权限?

使用 Ubuntu 22.04 设置 Linux From Scratch 时,如何授予 lfs 对所有目录的完全访问权限?

我正在关注Linux 从头开始​​(LFS)在 Ubuntu 22.04 上。其中有一段写道:

通过使 lfs 成为目录所有者,授予 lfs 对 $LFS 下所有目录的完全访问权限:

chown -v lfs $LFS/{usr{,/*},lib,var,etc,bin,sbin,tools}
case $(uname -m) in
  x86_64) chown -v lfs $LFS/lib64 ;;


ownership of '/usr' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/bin' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/games' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/include' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/lib' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/lib32' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/lib64' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/libexec' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/libx32' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/local' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/sbin' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/share' retained as lfs
ownership of '/usr/src' retained as lfs
ownership of '/lib' retained as lfs
ownership of '/var' retained as lfs
ownership of '/etc' retained as lfs
ownership of '/bin' retained as lfs
ownership of '/sbin' retained as lfs
chown: cannot access '/tools': No such file or directory
failed to change ownership of '/tools' to lfs
ownership of '/lib64' retained as lfs

我以为它会授予 /mnt/lfs 下的访问权限,但输出却显示其他内容。有什么问题吗?还是没问题?






