Ubuntu 20.04;如何导入颜色配置文件

Ubuntu 20.04;如何导入颜色配置文件

我希望能得到帮助,找到适用于 20.04 的描述,因为这三个页面具有相同的文本:

Add profile首先,在我长期稳定的 20.04 中没有。(参考上面的文字)


$ flatpak list
DisplayCAL        net.displaycal.DisplayCAL ...


$ dispwin -d 1 profile-name #fails to install the profile



Dispwin: Warning - new_dispwin: Expected VideoLUT depth 11 doesn't match actual 10
new_dispwin: DirectColor fdepth 8, rdepth 11, ndepth 10, edepth 16, r/g/b shifts 16 8 0

... 在其中;但警告是否足以阻止它呢?

实际的 dispwin 运行:

$ dispwin -D2 -d 1 -I profile-name # Long complicated name replaced
get_a_display called with ix 0
get_displays using 1 XRandR Screens
XRRGetCrtcInfo of Screen 0 CRTC 0 has 1 Outputs Valid Mode
Checking XRandR 1.2 VideoLUT access
Adding Screen 0 CRTC 0 Output 0
Display 0 name = ':1.0'
Root atom '_ICC_PROFILE'
Got EDID for display
XRRGetCrtcInfo of Screen 0 CRTC 1 has 0 Outputs No Mode
CRTC skipped as it has no mode or no outputs
XRRGetCrtcInfo of Screen 0 CRTC 2 has 0 Outputs No Mode
CRTC skipped as it has no mode or no outputs
XRRGetCrtcInfo of Screen 0 CRTC 3 has 0 Outputs No Mode
CRTC skipped as it has no mode or no outputs
XRRGetCrtcInfo of Screen 0 CRTC 4 has 0 Outputs No Mode
CRTC skipped as it has no mode or no outputs
XRRGetCrtcInfo of Screen 0 CRTC 5 has 0 Outputs No Mode
CRTC skipped as it has no mode or no outputs
XRRGetCrtcInfo of Screen 0 CRTC 6 has 0 Outputs No Mode
CRTC skipped as it has no mode or no outputs
 Selected ix 0 ':1.0' Monitor 1, Output eDP-1-1 at 0, 0, width 1920, height 1080'
new_dispwin called
using ucmm for profile installation
new_dispwin: Opened display ':1.0' OK
Dispwin: Warning - new_dispwin: Expected VideoLUT depth 11 doesn't match actual 10
new_dispwin: DirectColor fdepth 8, rdepth 11, ndepth 10, edepth 16, r/g/b shifts 16 8 0
dispwin_get_ramdac called
Getting gamma using Randr 1.2
dispwin_get_ramdac returning OK
Saved original VideoLUT
new_dispwin: return successfully
dispwin_install_profile 'profile-name'
Setting _ICC_PROFILE property
dispwin_set_ramdac called
Setting gamma using Randr 1.2
dispwin_set_ramdac returning OK
dispwin_del called
dispwin_set_ramdac called
Setting gamma using Randr 1.2
dispwin_set_ramdac returning OK
dispwin_set_ramdac called
Setting gamma using Randr 1.2
dispwin_set_ramdac returning OK
Restored original ramdac
About to close display




$ colormgr get-devices-by-kind display 
Object Path:   /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/xrandr_LG_Display_hannu_1000
Owner:         hannu
Created:       april 22 2023, 10:55:40 AM
Modified:      april 22 2023, 11:57:35 AM
Type:          display
Enabled:       Yes
Embedded:      Yes
Model:         ROG Strix G731GU G731GU
Vendor:        ASUSTeK
Serial:        unknown
Scope:         temp
Colorspace:    rgb
Device ID:     xrandr-LG Display
Profile 1:     icc-872195e4138bb957759682f72dc25e78
Profile 2:     icc-470b65b1eb4cb2e297533d97643e38ab
Profile 3:     icc-49fd7c8b33ac3fe8121f6a9f5b480cd4
Metadata:      OutputEdidMd5=58ca53ac7e2a452fe10e1e7100e16186
Metadata:      OutputPriority=primary
Metadata:      XRANDR_name=eDP-1-1
Metadata:      OwnerCmdline=/usr/libexec/gsd-color 

$ ll 
total 796
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hannu hannu 811088 2023-04-22 13:42 step4.icc

$ colormgr device-add-profile  /org/freedesktop/ColorManager/devices/xrandr_LG_Display_hannu_1000 step4.icc 
profile id 'step4.icc' does not exist

$ colormgr device-add-profile "xrandr-LG Display" step4.icc 
profile id 'step4.icc' does not exist

根据在中可见的“desc”字段strings step4.icc,也在创建配置文件时在 DisplayCal(GUI)中的文本字段中,并且作为原始文件名:

$ mv step4.icc '2023-04-22 11-07 -- LP173WFG-SPB1 #1  2.2 VF-F XYZLUT+MTX'

$ ll
total 800
-rw-r--r-- 1 hannu hannu 811088 2023-04-22 13:07 '2023-04-22 11-07 -- LP173WFG-SPB1 #1  2.2 VF-F XYZLUT+MTX'
-rw-rw-r-- 1 hannu hannu   1372 2021-03-11 19:04  edid-58ca53ac7e2a452fe10e1e7100e16186.icc

$ colormgr device-add-profile "xrandr-LG Display" 2023-04-22\ 11-07\ --\ LP173WFG-SPB1\ #1\ \ 2.2\ VF-F\ XYZLUT+MTX
profile id '2023-04-22 11-07 -- LP173WFG-SPB1 #1  2.2 VF-F XYZLUT+MTX' does not exist

$ colormgr device-add-profile "xrandr-LG Display" "2023-04-22\ 11-07\ --\ LP173WFG-SPB1\ #1\ \ 2.2\ VF-F\ XYZLUT+MTX"
profile id '2023-04-22\ 11-07\ --\ LP173WFG-SPB1\ #1\ \ 2.2\ VF-F\ XYZLUT+MTX' does not exist




将 icc 文件移动到 colord 的存储区,将其重命名为更短的名称,然后...

$ cd /usr/share/color/icc/colord 

$ sudo mv '2023-04-22 11-07 -- LP173WFG-SPB1 #1  2.2 VF-F XYZLUT+MTX' \  

$ colormgr find-profile-by-filename step4brightness.icc
Object Path:   \  

Owner:         root
Format:        ColorSpace..
Title:         2023-04-22 11-07 -- LP173WFG-SPB1 #1  2.2 VF-F XYZLUT+MTX
Qualifier:     RGB..
Type:          display-device
Colorspace:    rgb
Gamma Table:   Yes
System Wide:   Yes
Filename:      /usr/share/color/icc/step4brightness.icc
Profile ID:    icc-4c3bbee33ae61d44bf4323afcb12a0a5
Metadata:      FILE_checksum=4c3bbee33ae61d44bf4323afcb12a0a5
Warning:       gray-axis-invalid

$ colormgr device-add-profile "xrandr-LG Display" \  


... 和我终于有一个无错误的“设备添加配置文件”

配置文件及其全名(存储在文件中)显示在Settings > Color > display-name

我将检查这是否会对我在 Epson 3880 上的打印造成影响,例如从 GIMP
