VirtualBox 上的 Ubuntu 22.04 需要 5 分钟才能启动

VirtualBox 上的 Ubuntu 22.04 需要 5 分钟才能启动

几天前,我安装了 Oracle VM VirtualBox Manager 并添加了 Ubuntu 22.04 VM。我是 Ubuntu 新手,目前我遇到的问题是启动 Ubuntu 需要将近 5 分钟。

我为虚拟机提供了 16MB 的 RAM、12 个 CPU 核心和 16MB 的视频内存,因此我认为问题不是内存不足。我的笔记本电脑也是新的,因此在这方面没有问题。我查看了这里的其他问题,但似乎都没有解决我自己的问题。下面,我提供了有关该问题的所有我能找到的信息:

我使用的是联想 Thinkpad X1 Gen 10,其配置如下系统规格:

处理器 第 12 代 Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-1270P 2.20 GHz
安装 RAM 32.0 GB(31.7 GB 可用)
系统类型 64 位操作系统,基于 x64 的处理器

登录自sudo systemd-analyze

Startup finished in 28.543s (kernel) + 4min 12.340s (userspace) = 4min 40.883s reached after 4min 11.918s in userspace

登录自sudo systemd-analyze blame

3min 38.930s plymouth-quit-wait.service
1min 18.298s snapd.service
 1min 5.788s vboxadd.service
     32.317s udisks2.service
     31.605s networkd-dispatcher.service
     29.849s accounts-daemon.service
     20.852s ModemManager.service
     20.214s NetworkManager-wait-online.service
     18.067s snapd.seeded.service
     17.132s cups.service
     13.753s NetworkManager.service
     12.332s power-profiles-daemon.service
     11.085s gdm.service
     10.839s polkit.service
     10.699s upower.service
     10.270s e2scrub_reap.service
      8.551s avahi-daemon.service
      8.297s switcheroo-control.service
      7.858s systemd-logind.service
      7.791s wpa_supplicant.service
      7.391s dev-sda3.device
      7.091s dev-loop5.device
      6.514s vboxadd-service.service
      5.915s dev-loop10.device
      5.877s dev-loop9.device
      5.832s dev-loop8.device
      5.212s dev-loop6.device
      5.180s dev-loop4.device
      5.064s dev-loop11.device
      4.964s dev-loop3.device
      4.961s dev-loop7.device
      4.899s systemd-modules-load.service
      4.698s dev-loop1.device
      4.586s systemd-sysctl.service
      4.449s dev-loop2.device
      3.983s packagekit.service
      3.526s dev-loop0.device
      2.777s snapd.apparmor.service
      2.491s grub-common.service
      2.485s [email protected]
      2.483s modprobe@pstore_blk.service

cat /etc/fstab

# /etc/fstab: static file system information.
# Use 'blkid' to print the universally unique identifier for a
# device; this may be used with UUID= as a more robust way to name devices
# that works even if disks are added and removed. See fstab(5).

# <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>

# / was on /dev/sda3 during installation
UUID=5ad09f57-44c7-41d2-bd5c-3488ad58dba0 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1

# /boot/efi was on /dev/sda2 during installation
UUID=A505-32D9  /boot/efi       vfat    umask=0077      0       1
/swapfile                                 none            swap    sw              0       0

登录自sudo systemd-analyze critical-chain

The time when unit became active or started is printed after the "@" character.

The time the unit took to start is printed after the "+" character. @4min 11.918s
└─ @4min 11.918s
  └─plymouth-quit-wait.service @32.987s +3min 38.930s
    └─systemd-user-sessions.service @31.969s +787ms
      └─ @30.761s
        └─NetworkManager.service @16.848s +13.753s
          └─dbus.service @16.823s
            └─ @16.539s
              └─ @16.539s
                └─snapd.socket @16.461s +74ms
                  └─ @16.347s
                    └─snapd.apparmor.service @13.569s +2.777s
                      └─apparmor.service @11.287s +2.248s
                        └─ @11.259s
                          └─run-snapd-ns.mount @2min 15.093s
                            └─ @2.163s
                              └─systemd-tmpfiles-setup-dev.service @1.633s +529ms
                                └─systemd-sysusers.service @1.086s +540ms
                                  └─systemd-remount-fs.service @689ms +256ms
                                    └─systemd-journald.socket @454ms
                                      └─system.slice @439ms
                                        └─-.slice @439ms



  • 3分38.930秒普利茅斯-退出-等待.服务
  • 1分 18.298秒 snapd.service
  • 1分 5.788秒 vboxadd.service


  1. 从官方网站下载并更新 VirtualBox Guest Additions: recent versionOracle VM VirtualBox 扩展包)。
  2. 更新 snapd.service:sudo snap refresh
  3. 更新或禁用 plymouth-quit-wait.service。

我在使用旧版 Guest Additions 工具时也遇到了同样的问题


在 VirtualBox 设置/存储选项卡中,选择硬盘控制器并勾选“使用主机 I/O 缓存”框。


在我设置的虚拟机中,默认情况下,CD 驱动器控制器上会勾选此框(如图所示),但硬盘驱动器控制器上不会。勾选硬盘驱动器控制器上的此框可大大提高我的虚拟机的性能。
